Slughorn's Christmas Gathering

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Y/n's POV

It was time for Slughorn's Christmas Party, and this time, unlike the Supper Party, I really didn't want to go. However, since I promised Slughorn I would, I didn't want to not show up, so I had to go. Everyone invited was allowed to bring one date, and obviously, I asked Draco, but he kind of waved me off, saying he might be busy. He also said not to ask anyone else though just in case he had time to come. I even told him that I was going to base my outfit around Draco's favorite colors, green and silver, in hopes that it would convince him to show up, but it was still an I don't know.

 I even told him that I was going to base my outfit around Draco's favorite colors, green and silver, in hopes that it would convince him to show up, but  it was still an I don't know

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So here I was standing by myself in front of the entrance to the party, debating whether or not I should go in. It would be weird going in by myself when everyone had dates. Thankfully, Harry showed up soon with Luna at his side.

"Hey Y/n," Harry greeted. "What are you doing out here?"

"Debating whether or not to go in," I reply. "It'd be kind of weird going in by myself."

"Where's Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. He said he didn't know if he was able to come," I respond. "I shouldn't have come. I should probably just go back to the common room and spend the evening creating some new Quidditch tactics."

"No, Y/n," Harry disagreed. "I'm not going to let you go and sit in the common room by yourself. You got dressed up for this party, and you look amazing. So you're coming with Luna and I."

I shook my head. "I don't want to intrude."

"Don't be silly. We'd love the company," Luna confessed. Harry then linked one of his arms with mine, the other with Luna's, and the three of us entered the party. Things were already in full swing, and people looked to be having fun, so I figured I would have some fun too.

"Want to dance?" Harry implored and held out his hand.

"Yeah," I answer and take his hand. "That sounds fun." Harry led me over to the dance floor, and the two of us danced along with the other students. The upbeat sounds were so fun to move to the beat with, especially because I had someone to dance with. At that moment, it didn't matter that Draco wasn't there because Harry was, and if I couldn't have my boyfriend, my best friend was the next best choice. Everything was going well until Filch interrupted the party by dragging Draco in by his collar.

"Professor Slughorn, I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party," Filch announced.

"Yeah. He's my date," I state and tug Draco over to me. "Sorry, Professor Slughorn. Draco said he was going to be late, so I told him he should just meet me at the party. I didn't mean to cause a scene."

Professor Slughorn waved me off. "It's all right, Ms. Fawley. Carry on, everyone." As the party got back swing, I turned to Draco, who was rubbing his neck.

"We need to talk. Right now," I demand. With that, I took Draco's hand and dragged him away from the party. I didn't stop until we were far enough away that no one would hear us, which meant going inside of an empty classroom. "What the hell was that? You just embarrassed me in front of Professor Slughorn and all of our classmates."

"Are you done?" Draco questioned.

"No that's not all!" I counter. "I got dressed up for you, Draco. Did you even notice that? Cause you didn't compliment me when you saw like you normally do."

"Y/n I-"

I cut Draco off. "No, Draco. Let me talk. You've been acting super weird all year. Like ten times weirder than normal So please, tell me what's going on."

"I can't talk about it, Y/n. You'll only get hurt," Draco murmured.

"Draco, I don't care if I get hurt. You're everything to me, and seeing you like this hurts me. Please just tell me what's been what's going on," I beg. That's when Draco broke down into tears, his body slouching ever so slightly. I had never seen Draco cry like this before, so I knew that whatever was going on was bad. I pulled him into a hug, allowing him to grip me tightly, and for a few seconds, the two of us just stood there in silence.

"You can't tell anyone about this. You have to promise me," Draco insisted.

"I promise, Draco," I pledge. "Nothing you say can make me change my mind about you. To me, you're still the same Draco I've grown to like more than I ever thought possible." Draco sighed, and then pulled up the sleeve on his left arm. And there, on his left forearm, was the dark mark.

I gasped, completely surprised, but also a bit relieved for another reason. "Oh my...Draco, when did you get this?"

"Over the summer. My family made me. Y/n, they gave me an impossible task," Draco told me as I used my thumbs to wipe the tears from his face.

"What is it?" I quiz.

Draco let out a shuddering breath. "Voldemort wants me to kill Dumbledore."

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