The Unforgivable Curses

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Y/n's POV

The next morning, I was sitting in Defense Against the Dark Arts next to Neville. Our new teacher was a man named Mad Eye Moody. He was a famous Auror that threw dark wizards into Azkaban. It was weird thought because my father never mentioned him, and the two had to have worked together.

"I am your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me to come, end of story, goodbye, the end," Moody explained. "Any questions? No? Good. When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" 

"Three," Hermione answered. 

Moody nodded. "Correct. Now, the ministry says that you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against and you need to be prepared. So, which curse shall we see first? Weasley! Give me a curse." 

"Well, my father told me about one. The Imperious Curse," Ron put forth. 

"Ahhh yes. Your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago," Moody declared. "Perhaps this will show you why." Moody walked over to a table holding a variety of creatures in containers, and he opened a jar, picking out the spider that resided in it. He then took out his wand at pointed it at the creature. "Imperio." After saying the spell, Moody was able to move the spider wherever he wanted. It landed on Ron's head first, causing Draco to laugh. Then, Moody sent the spider onto Draco's face, and I snickered at Draco's attempts to shoo it away. Finally, the spider landed on my hand and started crawling up my arm. If there was something that I hated just as much as heights and snakes, it was spiders. Thankfully, Moody didn't keep it on me for long. "What should I make her do next? Jump out the window? Drown herself? Who can give me the next curse? Longbottom," Moody called out. 

"There is the Cruciatus Curse," Neville murmured. 

"Yes. The torture curse. That's a particularly nasty one. Come here," Moody requested and waved Neville up to the front of the classroom. Neville joined Moody, who pointed his wand at the spider again. "Crucio." Within a second, the spider began to squeal in pain. I watched as Neville cringed to himself, and I could tell that Neville was in a great deal of discomfort. And that's when I remembered that this spell was used against his parents. They were permanently living at St. Mungos due to the state the curse put them in. That's why he lived with his grandmother. 

"Stop it," I interject. "Can't you see that it's bothering him?" Moody glanced at me, then back at the spider. When he put his wand away, the spider was no longer in pain, and Neville wasn't as bothered. Moody walked over to me, placing the spider on my desk.

"Ms. Fawley, is it?" Moody asked. "Your father works as an Auror?"

"Yes," I reply. "But I don't see how that has anything to do with this lesson."

"It means that you should know all about the last curse. Give it to me," Moody ordered. I shook my head and bit my lip, my eyes already starting to water. "You interrupted my class, so give me the curse. Now." 

"The killing curse," I breathe out.

"Avada Kedevra," Moody chanted and aimed his wand at the spider, who died instantly and sat motionless on my desk. With that, I pushed my chair away from my desk and stood up. I had to get out of this classroom. "Where do you think you're going, Ms. Fawley?"

"Anywhere that isn't here," I respond and sling my bag over my shoulder. 

"Class isn't over until I say it's over," Moody stated. 

"Yeah? Well I don't give a damn about when you say class is over," I retort, tears brimming my eyes. "For me, it's over right this instant. You can give me a detention, or ban me from using magic in your class, or whatever you see fit, but I'm still going to leave. You can't just use the killing curse in front of people like that, Professor. For some people, that brings up too many old memories. So if you'll excuse me." I started walking towards the exit, but Draco grabbed ahold of my arm before I could reach it. 

"Are you okay?" Draco questioned.

"Just leave me alone, Draco. I'm not in the mood," I mutter and yank my arm from his grasp before leaving the classroom. 

On Thursday, everyone re-gathered in the Great Hall because it was time to select the 3 champions to compete in the tri-wizard tournament. One champion would be chosen from Hogwarts, one from Durmstrang, and the last from Beauxatons. The flames grew bright red, and a lone piece of paper flew out of the fire. 

"The champion for Durmstrang is Viktor Krum," Dumbledore announced. The Durmstrang students clapped as another name flew from the fire. "The champion for the Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour." There was more clapping as the final names flew out. "And the Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory." The Hogwarts students cheered loudly, but Dumbledore quieted us down quickly. "Excellent! We have our three champions, but in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the tri-wizard cup." Suddenly though, another name flew out of the goblet and into Dumbledore's hand. "Harry Potter," Dumbledore read aloud. All of the students gasped as Harry stood up and made his way to the front of the room along with the other champions. Oh no. What has Harry gotten himself into now?

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