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Y/n's POV

The Gryffindors had to sleep in the an empty classroom for a few days because apparently, the Fat Lady, who guarded the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, claimed that she saw Sirius Black. So, until they found another portrait to take her place, we had to sleep here. The floor was hard and uncomfortable, and the first night, I had a hard time falling asleep. Thankfully, a new portrait was found and placed the next morning. Defense Against the Dark Arts seemed to arrive quickly the next morning, but oddly, instead of Professor Lupin teaching class, Professor Snape was. And when asked where Lupin was, Snape told us that he was incapable of teaching at the moment.

"So," Snape began. "Who can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?"

"Professor, we've just gotten to hinkypuffs," I point out. "Werewolves are like 4 chapters away."

"Ms. Fawley, since you've decided to talk without me calling on you, you can answer my question. What is the difference between between an animagus and a werewolf?" Snape repeated.

"An animagus can take their animal form whenever they wish. Similar to a metamorphmagus, its like a gift that a witch or wizard can possess. Werewolves are the complete opposite. They're cursed to turn whenever there's a full moon," I explain.

Snape's lips twitched upwards slightly. "Very good. Now, I'd like you all to read the chapter about werewolves in your books, and then write an essay about what you've read. Turn to page 394."

The classroom quieted down as everyone began to read from their books. I quickly skimmed through the chapter, starting my essay rather early. Due to my excessive amount of reading over the summer, I was already pretty familiar with the topic. A few minutes into my writing, a paper bird flew over and landed on my desk. I unfolded it to reveal a drawing of me in my Quidditch uniform on my broom. the drawing was animated to show me throwing a quaffle into the hoops, earning points for Gryffindor. At the bottom of the paper, there was a small note that read:

Good luck in your game against Hufflepuff tonight. I'll be silently cheering for you within the confines of the Slytherin common room. -DM

I turned around to find Draco amongst the students, and when I caught his eye, he gave me a small smile, which I happily returned.

"Thank you," I mouth back and return to my previous position, still grinning at the drawing in front of me.

"Ms. Fawley," Snape interrupted. "What's got you smiling over there? I would hope it's not something in the chapter."

"No, sir. I was just thinking about the upcoming trip to Hogsmeade," I lie.

"Then what's this?" Snape asked and snatched the drawing from my desk. "A note from Mr. Malfoy? Would you care to share what you're writing about to the class, Ms. Fawley?" Most of the class snickered, and I could feel my cheeks turn bright red.

"I sent the note, Professor," Draco claimed. "Y/n had nothing to do with it."

"If you both get back to work, then I'll let this one slide," Snape told us and walked back to the desk at the front of the classroom.

Later that night we had our Quidditch game against Hufflepuff. Originally, it was supposed to be against Slytherin, but since Draco was hurt, they had to change a few things around. The weather was not optimal, and the rain pelted against my face as I flew through the air. Under my Quidditch uniform, I was shivering, and I could barely see 10 feet in front of me  which made it extremely difficult to pass the quaffle or spot and dodge a bludger. The game ended badly with multiple players from each team being sent to the hospital wing. Thankfully, I wasn't one of them. However, the game had ended due to Hufflepuff's seeker catching the snitch, so Gryffindor suffered a loss.


Trips to Hogsmeade were always a delight. We had gone on a few throughout the year so far, allowing me to discover all of the wonders that the small village held. Unfortunately, Harry couldn't attend because he didn't have a parent or guardian sign his permission slip, so it had just been Hermione, Ron, and I hanging out this time.

"You guys go ahead back to the castle," I instruct Hermione and Ron. "I'll be okay."

"You sure?" Hermione questioned. "Ron and I can stay for a bit longer if you'd like."

"I'll be fine," I assure her. "Besides, I know you guys have some assignments to finish up, so I don't want to keep you. I'm only grabbing a butterbeer. I should be back at the school shortly."

"All right. See you later," Ron waved as him and Hermione started the trek back to Hogwarts. Inside the Three Broomsticks, I ordered a butter beer and took a seat at an open table in the back of the room. Soon after I received my drink, I was approached my a familiar face.

"Is this seat taken?" Draco quizzed.

I shook my head. "Nope. Go ahead. It's all yours."

"Thanks," Draco returned and slid into the seat across from me. "So, what are you doing here all alone? I thought you would be hanging out with some of the other Gryffindors."

"I was spending some time with Hermione and Ron, but they had a bit of work to catch up on, so I sent them back to Hogwarts. I didn't want to hold them here when all I was gonna do was grab a butter beer," I declare and glance down at his arm, that no longer had a sling on it. "Has your harm healed? You don't have the sling anymore."

"It's been healed for quite a bit now," Draco responded and brushed some snow off of his coat.

"What happened there?" I implore and gesture at the snow. "Did Crabbe and Goyle surprise attack you or something?"

"No," Draco replied. "Someone ambushed me, actually. And shockingly, I can't tell you who it is. I couldn't see them."

I laughed. "Well, if you catch them, I will gladly have a go at them for messing with the Slytherin Prince." That's when Draco tilted his head to the side, his gray eyes staring at me questionably. I finished up the rest of my butter beer and attempted to hide the blush that began to creep up my cheeks, hoping that Draco just assumed it was from the cold weather outside. "What?"

"You interest me," Draco confessed. "I like that you've got determination. I guess Slytherin qualities are found in even the most perfect girls."

I blushed even harder at his next statement and waved down the waitress. "How much do I owe you?"

"No no no," Draco interjected. "I've got it."

"Draco, I can't let you do that," I decline.

"You can, and you will," Draco insisted and handed the woman a few coins to pay for both of our drinks. "Now, come on. Let me walk you back to the castle." Together, the two of us exited the Three Broomsticks and started our walk back to Hogwarts. As we walked side by side, I stuffed my hands in my coat pockets to keep them warm.

"You really didn't have to pay for my drink," I argue.

"I wanted to," Draco countered. "Besides, you helped me when I hurt my arm earlier this year. I had to find some way to repay you."

"I wasn't expecting you to think it was a favor or something. I just did it because that's the kind of person I am," I inform him. The rest of the way back to Hogwarts, the two of us just talked about all kinds of things. It was quite nice, actually. Finally, Draco and I reached the stairs leading up to the Gryffindor common room.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Draco said. I smiled and leaned forward to give him a hug, something I didn't expect to do. For a quick second, I embraced the boy who I had formally thought was the worst person on the planet.

"Thank you for the great night, Draco," I thank him. "We should do it again sometime." With that, I left Draco and ascended the stairs towards the common room. Once inside, I grabbed my bag and tried to finish up the rest of my assignments, but it was a little hard to concentrate. And the reason for that was because the only thing on my mind was Draco.

House Crossed Lovers; A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now