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Y/n's POV

Defense Against the Dark Arts looked like it would be more interesting today than all of the past two years combined. Not that dealing with the cornish pixies last year wasn't riveting, but it ended up causing a lot of chaos. When I stepped into the classroom, all of the desks had been pushed to the sides, and a huge wardrobe stood at the front of the room. And it was shaking as if something was trapped in there. Oh yeah. This was gonna be good.

"Look at this. Today's gonna be so much fun," I chirp to Harry as the two of us entered the classroom together.

"Honestly, I'm kind of excited too," Harry agreed as we gathered with the rest of the class in the center of the room.

"Does anyone have any idea what's in the wardrobe?" Lupin posed to the class. 

Seamus raised his hand. "That's a boggart."

"Very good. And does anyone know what a boggart looks like?" Lupin asked. 

"It has no real look," Hermione answered. "It shape shifts into what you fear most." 

"Exactly," Lupin confirmed. "Now, there is a spell we can use to make the boggart not so terrifying. Say it after me. Riddikulis." 

"Riddikulus," the whole class repeated.

"Good. All right, lets see....Longbottom. Get over here," Lupin summed and waved Neville up to the front of the crowd. Neville hesitantly moved through the throng of students to get to where Lupin was standing, and Lupin placed a hand on his shoulder. "Neville, what do you fear most?" 

"Professor Snape," Neville mumbled quietly, which caused some of the class to snicker. 

"If I'm correct, you live with your grandmother," Lupin brought up. 

Neville nodded. "Yeah, but I don't want it to turn into her either."

"That's okay. It won't. I want you to picture her clothes, Neville. Just her clothes," Lupin requested and waved his wand in the direction of the wardrobe. The doors of it opened, and then out stepped the boggart, who had transformed into Professor Snape. "All right Neville. Just like we just practiced."

"Riddikulis," Neville chanted. A flash of light emitted from the tip of Neville's wand, and suddenly, Snape's clothes were completely different. He was wearing a dark green dress with a boa, a large red handbag at his side. He was also wearing a huge hat that was adorned with a fake bird. The whole class started laughing, which clearly made the boggart uncomfortable, and it shrunk into itself.

"Fawley," Lupin called out. "You wanted me to teach you what I know, so here you go. You're up next. Let's see what you can do." I took my position in front of the boggart, and within seconds, it began to change. The creatures started whirling around, until finally, it changed into a snake. The serpent towered over me, it piercing black eyes staring directly into my own. Its tongue flickered, and a hiss made its way into the air. For a second, I was filled with fear, but as soon as I had my wand out, confidence flooded through me. 

"Riddikulis!" I shout. When the spell hit the snake, it changed into a jack in the box that bobbed back and forth. I smiled and mentally cheered myself, stuffing my wand back into the band of my pants.

"Wonderful work, Ms. Fawley," Lupin commented. "Now, everyone else, get into a line." One by one, my fellow classmates faced the boggart, and each and every time, it was defeated by our laughter. Everything was going fine until Harry stepped up to take on the creature. Part of me became worried that the boggart would shift into the Dark Lord himself. Thankfully, it only changed into a dementor. Harry stood there, frozen, unsure of what to do, so Lupin stepped forward, and immediately, the creature shifted into a full moon. "Riddikulis!" The moon swelled up into a balloon and let lose its air, making it fly around the classroom. Then, with a swipe of his wand, Lupin sent the boggart back into the wardrobe and locked it tightly.

House Crossed Lovers; A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now