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Y/n's POV

I had been waiting for Christmas break to arrive, mainly because I wanted to tell my parents all about what's been happening during my first year of Hogwarts. My parents were shocked when I told them I'd made the Quidditch team as a first year, but they were super proud none-the-less. They were also surprised that Potions was my favorite class, both of them suspecting I'd like Transfiguration the best. On Christmas Eve, Oliver's family came over, and for most of the time Oliver and I created a load of Quidditch strategies to use for the rest of the season. Christmas passed by quickly, and so did the weeks that followed. And now it was time to head back to Hogwarts for the second half of the year.

Harry's POV

"I think we should tell her," I whisper to Ron and Hermione, who were both gathered with me near the fireplace in the common room. "She's super smart and has been with us since the beginning. We could really use her." 

"I think it's a great idea," Hermione agreed. "She's acing practically every class, and she's amazing at Charms. Imagine the things she can do that we don't even know about."

"I'm down too," Ron concurred. "We could use an extra hand anyways." 

"Great. It's settled then. Y/n," I call out and wave the girl over from where she was sitting on the other side of the common room. "We need to talk."

Y/n's POV

"Hey guys. What's up?" I ask and take a seat. 

"We need your help. We think Snape is trying to take the-" 

I cut Harry off. "Sorcerer's stone. I know. I've been hearing you guys talk about it for a long time. You should really be more quiet about it. But if you need my help, then you've got it. So, when are we going off to find the stone?" 

"Tonight," Harry replied. Once it was late, and everyone was sure to be asleep, we crept down the stairs and into the common room. We were about to head out when I heard a croaking noise emit from somewhere in the darkness of the empty room. That's when I spotted Trevor, Neville's frog, sitting on the arm of a chair. 

"Trevor!" Ron hissed. "You're not supposed to be out this late." 

"Neither are you," Neville spoke and turned around to look at us from where he was hidden behind an armchair. "You guys are going to get Gryffindor in trouble again. And I won't let you. I'll fight you if I have to."

I pulled my wand out of the waist band of my pants and pointed it at him. "I'm so sorry about this, Neville. I truly am. Petrificus Totalus." A small light shot out the end of my wand, and Neville fell backwards onto the ground. He wouldn't be able to move for a good while because of the spell, which was good for us because we could sneak out without him saying anything.

"I told you guys she was good with Charms," Hermione said to Harry and Ron. "Now let's go." As we left the common room, Harry threw his invisibility cloak on top of the four of us to make us un-seeable. It was a tight squeeze, but somehow, we all managed to fit. Slowly, we walked down the corridors until we reached a door on the third floor which led into the Restricted Section. I clearly remember Dumbledore telling us not to go there during his beginning of the year speech, so I was a bit confused as to what we would be doing here. We entered through the door and walked down a long hallway until we got to a second door at the end of the corridor. 

"Don't be scared of what's inside," Harry directed at me as he pulled the cloak off of us. "We'll deal with it."

"Alohomora," Hermione murmured, her wand directed at the door. In response to the spell, the door in front of us opened, and we stepped inside. There I was able to see what Harry had been going on about. A huge dog with three heads was laying on the floor asleep. 

House Crossed Lovers; A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now