Dumbledore's Army

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Y/n's POV

Umbridge had been instated as High Inquisitor of Hogwarts, and that basically meant she was more powerful than Dumbledore, who hadn't been seen around the castle in a while. Perhaps he was just holed up in his office. Alas, no one knew. There was also now a wall filled with proclamations from Umbridge, but because there were so many, I only remembered a select few.

-No music is to be played during study hours

-All Weasley products are banned

-The dress code is to be followed at all times

-Boys and girls are not permitted to be within 8 inches of each other

I was walking past a courtyard when I heard something go on. And when I neared the courtyard, I saw a whole crowd gathered around watching something unfold. I spotted Harry making his way past me, so I grabbed a hold of his arm.

"Harry, what's happening?" I ask.

"Something with Trelawney," Harry replied. As I got closer and pushed past a few students, I was finally able to see what was going on. Professor Trelawney, Hogwart's Divination teacher, was standing with suitcases all around her while Umbridge was smirking to the side.

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here," Trelawney disclosed. "Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this."

"Actually, I can," Umbridge confirmed as McGongall swooped into the courtyard and embraced Trelawney. "Minerva, is there something you'd like to say?"

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say," McGonagall confessed. That's when the large doors connecting to the courtyard flew open, and Dumbledore strolled in.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside," Dumbledore instructed. McGonagall nodded and led Trelawney out of the courtyard, leaving him alone with Umbridge.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number-"

Dumbledore cut Umbridge off. "You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster." Dumbledore then saw all of us staring, and dismissively waved his hand at all of us. "Don't you all have class to attend?"


"Hey, Hermione," I greet as I stepped into the Hog's Head Inn. "Why'd you want to meet here?"

"Just sit down with the others," Hermione directed. "You'll see in a minute."

"Um, okay," I murmur. I did what she asked and took a seat before looking around at the others who were here as well. I saw Fred, George, Ginny, Seamus, Neville, Luna, Dean, and Cho, along with a few other students. That's when Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood up at the front of the room.

"Hi," Hermione waved. "So you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts."

"Why?" a boy somewhere behind me questioned.

"Why? Because You-Know-Who's back you tosspot," Ron responded.

"The point is, where's the proof? If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed," a kid brought up.

"I'm not going to talk about Cedric," Harry announced. "So if that's why you're here, clear out now. Come on, Hermione. They're here because they think I'm some sort of freak."

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" Luna quizzed.

"Yes. I've seen him do it," Hermione told her.

"Y/n can do it to. And way better then I can," Harry shared.

I frowned. "How'd you know, Harry?"

"Lupin told me about how amazing you were," Harry explained. "He said you produced a corporeal one on your first try."

"And he killed a basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office in his second year," Neville disclosed.

"Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once," Ron brought up.

"Last year, he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh," Hermione announced.

"Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that, but the truth is, most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time. I nearly always had help. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. But out there, when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes, you don't know what that's like," Harry exclaimed.

"You're right, Harry, we don't," Hermione admitted. "That's why we need your help. Because if we're going to have any chance at beating someone like You-Know-Who, then we need to be able to defend ourselves. So who's in?" I was the first one to sign my name on the list, and practically everyone else followed. After the meeting, a few of us were walking back to Hogwarts discussing the plan. "We need to find a place to practice, so let's keep a lookout over the next few days."

"What will Malfoy say about you doing this?" Harry asked me.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets. "He doesn't control my life, Harry. He just won't find out. Back to this whole DADA business though. What kind of things will we be learning?"

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