God Will Take Care Of You

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To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. Ecclesiastes 2:26

Wisdom, knowledge, and happiness are the rewards of those who please God. These rewards come directly from God, with no in between. What goes around comes around, and the sinner ends up with nothing. 

Sometimes life doesn't seem to work this was, but a lot goes on that we don't see, and we have to take the Lord's word for it, because this is a long-term promise.

More importantly, this verse helps us set our priorities. Our most important task is pleasing God with the way we live. If we do this, the rewards will follow. God Himself will provide us with the wisdom, knowledge, and happiness we need, and financial rewards will follow from them.

Sin, on the other hand, has no long-term rewards at all.

Father, I want to please You with my life. If my actions result in rewards, I will be thankful for them, but living my life according to Your wishes is the greatest reward of all. 

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