Show Some Enthusiasm!

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Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the LORD, not men. Ephesians 6:7

Young people are noted for their vitality and enthusiasm. God likes that attitude so much that He promises to reward those who show that kind of wholeheartedness in their work, doing it as if they were working for Him instead of for their bosses.

Unfortunately, age and experience seem to take the edge off our enthusiasm. Some jobs just don't reward it. At first, employers welcome enthusiasm, but then it begins to annoy them. Like too much sugar, enthusiasm can become-well-just too much.

How do you strike a good balance? Look at someone older than yourself, someone well respected and successful at work, and see how that person operates. You'll see she's through in her work, quiet and humble, but when she speaks, people listen. They know in her own quiet way, she's working wholeheartedly. 

She probably started off just like you, but she was able to rein herself in until she learned her job. If you too can learn to harness your energy productively, you'll be on your way to success. 

Father, show me how to channel my enthusiasms into solid work that pleases both my employer and You.

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