Who Needs Rules?

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Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Romans 13:1 KJV

God knows we need rules and regulations in society, or all would be chaos. We hate paying taxes, but we can't abolish the Internal Revenue Service and watch the government default on its obligations. No one likes to get a speeding ticket, but what would the roads be like without speed limits and people to enforce them?

As someone once said, the United States has a peaceful revolution every four years. If you are upset about the acts of a government official, get out there and vote.

God doesn't go into detail about governing authorities. He wants us to obey the laws we have created, but order than that, He left it up to us to form our own government. We're all parts of "the system," and we all must obey its regulations- or change them in a peaceful manner.

Father, I know we have a human governments, so it will always have problems. Give me the courage to work toward peaceful change. 

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