Does Anyone Have A Map?

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There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand. Proverbs 19:21 KJV

There's nothing wrong with making plans-but ultimately, all our plans depend upon the will of God, and sometimes His will and ours are not the same. He knows when our plans won't get us where we should be, so sometimes He puts a roadblock in front of our carefully thought-out path and nudges us in another direction-while we mutter and complain about the detour.

This doesn't mean we shouldn't plan at all and leave everything to God. That would be aimlessly wandering around without purpose. We have to be flexible in our planning, though, aware that several roads may lead us where we want to be. We may not be able to see far enough ahead to plan the route, but God can, and His plans for us will never fail.

lord, help me to be patient with all my plans and dreams-even the ones You know won't work out the way I think they will. 

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