Lost? Look To God

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"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." 2 Chronicles 15:7

How do you know what God wants you to do? If you think you know, how can you be sure you're not acting out of your own desires instead of God's? Sometimes God seems to be pushing you one way; the next day you feel as if you're on your own.

Doing God's will is a long-term project. You may start out in one direction and get sidetracked. A roadblock may suddenly appear ahead of you, forcing a detour you didn't expect. A door of opportunity you never knew existed may open right in front of you. Our paths seem to travel more like a sailboat than a powerboat. We tack from one direction to another, not making much forward progress.

Eventually you'll know where you're going. Your road will suddenly feel right, and you'll see signs of your destination on the horizon. So tack if you have to, but never give up seeking to do God's will for your life.

Father, thank You for the guidance You give me. Although my progress may seem slow, I know You will get me where I'm supposed to be. 

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