From Childish To Mature

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Don't be childish in your understanding of these things, Be innocent as babies when it comes to evil, but be mature and wise in understanding matters of this kind.  
1 Corinthians 14:20 NLT

Children do not come into the world with morals. They know nothing about good and evil when they're born. Good and evil mean nothing to toddlers until their parents teach them the difference.

Our culture likes to pretend that evil doesn't exist today-that anything you want to do is okay, or an evil person was somehow made that way by circumstances. In effect, society is saying that it's okay to think like a child.

It's a bunch of baloney. Most individuals brought up in bad circumstances turn out to be good people because they were taught to be good people. They were held responsible for their actions. Maybe parts of our culture think it's okay to act like a child forever, to give in to every whim and not care how your behavior affects others, but that's childish thinking. Your mother taught you better than that!

Father, keep me aware of the difference between good and evil, and help me be a responsible adult.

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