Chapter 34. Black and White

Depuis le début

Sun was silent. Until muttering "So... Have you told your friends any of this?" She was about to answer, then suddenly, I hear a buzzing bedside me. I look up to see a fly. I swing it away. "Ah. Go away." I mutter. The fly buzzes around the n starts flying over my again. "Yo come on! Go away!" I exclaimed. I wave my hand around. I the use both. I was grow a bit irritated. After five seconds. I stop........ The then find out it ain't a fly. But a mosquito. It lands on my hand...... Just as planned.....

I rise my hand and smack it down. It creates a powerful shockwave. My eye widen from the force, and I damn well knew my cover was blown. As I could feel two sets of eyes starring at me. Before I said anything...... I hear that sound..... THAT SOUND.

I look up. And see this little pest is still alive.... "How the heck..." I mutter. I see it buzz around me for a few moments. I follow it with my eyes, like a predator with it's meal..... It flies around then lands on the wall. Moment to strike.

I rise my hand and smack the wall! Created another loud crackle of a smack. "Got it." I mutter. I take my hand away. From the wall. It wasn't there. I look down at my hand. It wasn't there too. Then where is it-

*flying noises*

"💢.... " This was getting annoying. As I eye that mosquito. "Your really pissing me off.... " I mutter. I've had enough. As it flew around I swiftly shoot my arm out to grab it.

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Each brutally swift snatch I do cuts through the air and causes a shockwave when I swiftly close and ball my fists

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Each brutally swift snatch I do cuts through the air and causes a shockwave when I swiftly close and ball my fists. I now was having a serious and steel look on my face as I Attenmpted to kill this pest with wings. After my like 5th time of training this bug, I catch it! Finally! Little douche won't bother me any more.

(Or so I though)
*buzzing sound*

"...................... "

(Y/N) reaction

(Y/N) reaction

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"HOW is this possible

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"HOW is this possible.......?" I mutter. Unknowing to Sun and Blake, including me. Didnt notice, when I turned my eyes to the mosquito..... My eyes slowly. Faded to red. With sudden adrenaline going into my veins, I start to literally run after the damned pest. Not knowing to me, I was moving so fast that only after images of me were seen to Sun and Blake's eyes. I was also causing wind each run and dash I did. I especially caused shockforce winds each time I tried to clap the mosquito with my two hands.

But every single time..... I MISSED.... I MISSED EVERY DAMN TIME. How is this freaking happening.... I was starting to double in my efforts. Legit jumping, while I was in the air, double jumping you could call it. And of course, causing shockwaves and winds. "HA! RAH! HRR!" I let out battle grunts each clap I make. But again...... I keep missing..... And each miss I did, I grow more. And more. And more....... AND MORE..... IRRITATED. "Ah! Wah! Ha! Come on!" I yell.

Seven minutes later.....

"I got you

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"I got you.... " I said. Serious as ever. I hardly even noticed the steam coming from my hands. I slowly open my hands. And see no mosquito. "Huh?" I question. I start looking around. I don't see it, and I especially don't see it sqwished in my hands. Did I legit vaporized it with a simple hand clap together? I stopped up. To face Blake and Sun.

*Buzzing sound*
I stop.............. My eyes grew wide. As slowly. I clinch my teeth tight, especially my fists.


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"...... 💢......... 💢💢DAMN MOSQUITOS💢..." I growl. "This is not going to end well..... " Blake says closing her eyes. With a worried expression. "I like this guy already." Sun says with a smile. I slowly and aggressively crack my fingers as I prepare to ends this faggot with wings life.


The Symbiote Prototype: A RWBY Anime Crossover Story (SADLY CANCELED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant