Chapter 1

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 Emma is on the side >>>>>>>>>

Chapter 1: First Meeting

 “Yeah she is,” Eliot said grinning at me. I nodded as if to confirm this fact. I was in fact Envy the vampire hunter and killer. I was 16 and I killed with no ramose! I was called heartless and murder but as I said before I do not care for such thing, I have no feelings.

“Oh my God I am like such a big fan,” the girl with pixie hair said jumping up from the sofa. “I am Ruby Anne but my nickname is Kitty. I am so totally fan girling out right now” she said grinning at me I just nodded.

“Is it true you feel nothing?” the guy said.

“Yes and no,” I replied as he raised his eye brow.

“Do explain,” he said leaning on one hand that rested on his knee.

“I do not feel happiness, love or joy but I feel hate, jealousy and rage,” I said it as if I was brushing the fact off my slim shoulder.

“Cool,” he said nodding “I am Alex by the way but they call me Runner,” he smiled sweetly at me. If I could feel I might of thought he was what do they say hot? Yes I think was the word but I could never feel things like that.

“I am Lucy but everyone calls me Coco,” the girl with brown hair that was like chocolate winked at me.

“And I am Emma but they all call me Killer,” she grinned but more like she was jealous of the fact I was the centre of attention and she was not. Her smile was forced and her almond eyes were tight I could tell I was not welcome here with her in the room. They all stared at my mark. Other vampire hunters thought I had in tattooed onto my face so that people would know who I was but I was born with it. I didn’t want this mark, who would?

“You and Emma should pair up some time! Emma has mad skills,” Eliot whose nickname was Mr E. Said grinning at Emma. She was his new crush I sighed sweeping over the room once more.

“I work alone! I don’t need to baby sit someone Eliot,” I said in a bored tone.

“You wouldn’t have to baby sit me thank you! I bet you are not even the real Envy! It is more like I would have to baby sit you,” Emma snapped as Eliot’s eyes went wide. I had the bitch pinned against a wall within seconds she couldn’t even react.

“Listen here bitch!” I sneered at her getting into her personal space “I am Envy and you are a slut! Know where your place is in the world and stay in it,” I snapped as she whimpered at my words. I had the power to make human people feel unimportant but I hardly ever used it. I let her go and turned to see everyone with wide eyes and the smell fear rolling off them in waves. I knew I shouldn’t have come here tonight but I could feel a vampire was around. I had smelt them at school and on the way here. I need to kill so badly!

“Eliot I am out of here but I need my sword,” I said feeling eyes burning into my skull. I turned and Emma backed away slowly with her head down.

“Envy I need you here tonight” he said rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve got something to tell you” he sighed looking up.

“What is it? I can smell a vamp about and I need to kill it soon!” I snapped losing all control of my rage.

“Well....” He said thinking about how he was going to tell me. This must be bad I thought as I watched him trip over more pointless words that didn’t even make any sense “I’ll just show you” He said suddenly give up of words. As they said a picture paints 1000 words.

I followed him out of the room to a stair case that led down into the cellar or holding. Following him down the narrow stairs where the air was thick with the smell of dried blood and rotting meat. The sounds of roars came running up the stairs and footsteps followed behind. It was dark, cold and damp down in the cellar. Eliot stopped at a thick metal door and tapped in a code that I could not see or care about for that matter.

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