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You walk out of your room feeling angry. You just can't believe her.

She wants you out by the end of the week. That's just heartless.

You go downstairs to Yoongi and Taehyung.

"How did it go?" Taehyung asks.
"I...um....she kicked me out" you say awkwardly.

Yoongi frowns.

"She kicked me out too" he says.
"She still hates me. She didn't even care what happened last night when I explained"

Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Let's look for a house then" he says.
"I actually hate her"

After about an hour of looking, you find a place that's not too far away from where Taehyung lives.

"The rent is pretty high but if we both get good jobs, then we could afford it" you say.

You put in a deposit for it. Taehyung helps you guys choose.

It is not very big but it's good enough for a brother and sister.

Taehyung looks at you sitting down on the sofa. You're wearing black ripped shorts with fishnet tights underneath.

You have an army style top on with it being slightly see through. It matches your army shoes.

"You look really pretty" Taehyung says to you.
"Oh umm thank you" you say nervously.
"Save the flirting for later jeeze" Yoongi begs.

You roll your eyes.

"We have school tomorrow Tae Tae" you say.
"Great" he says sarcastically. "The only good thing is going to be seeing you and sitting besides you"

Yoongi glares at Taehyung.

"Stop flirting. First I see you almost fucking my sister. Then kissing her neck and now you guys won't shut up" he whines.
"Calm down. You have done worse" you say to Yoongi.
"Not Infront of you"

You stick out your tounge at him. Then he rugby tackles you onto the floor.

It makes you whine in pain.

"Couldn't you of waited until my side was better to do that?" You ask.
"Oh shit I'm sorry" he says realising he has hurt you.

Taehyung helps you up.

"It doesn't matter" you say to Yoongi.
"That's what you say now but when you're about to die in hospital later you won't be. Probably as you won't be able to speak"

You slap him jokingly round the head.

"That's heartless"
"But true"

You scowl at him.

"Pabo" you say to him
"Dick head"
"Side hoe"

Taehyung stands in the middle.

"Don't kill eachother, you're about to live together" he warns.

You giggle but clutch your side in pain.

"I'll change your bandage for you" Taehyung suggests.
"Ok thanks"

He takes you into the kitchen and sits you on the side. He takes off the bandage and cleans the cut.

"It hurts" you whine.
"I know. It's for the best babe" he says.

When he calls you babe, it makes you smile. You like that.

He covers up the cut again with a fresh bandage.

"I want Jin to have a look at that as I'm not sure it's healing" he says.
"As long as I don't have to go to hospital I don't mind."
"I'll try not to let it come to that but if it does, promise me you will go?" he begs with cute puppy dog eyes that leave you swooning.
"Fine. I promise" you say sulkily.

He helps you off of the side and takes you into the living room.

"Are you ok? I'm really sorry" Yoongi asks genuinely.
"I'm fine"

Taehyung shakes his head.

"The cut isn't healing so Jin is going to come round with the rest of the boys"
"You only told me about Jin" you say.

You slap him playfully.

"Pabo" you hiss.
"Yes I am"
"Ugh. It's worse if you agree"
"Then I'm not?"

You roll your eyes.

"Pabo my ass" you say sarcastically.
"Yup. You know me so well"

He kisses you on the cheek making your eyes widen.

"You're cute when you're grumpy" he compliments.
"Oh thanks?"

He chuckles.

Then you hear the door bell go. Yoongi stands up to go get it. Then you hear all of the boys coming inside.

"Be careful" Yoongi warns. "They are in the middle of flirting"

You roll your eyes.

You and Taehyung aren't flirting. Right? It's just banter. You tell yourself this.

Jin comes over and smiles at you.

"What problems did you get yourself into last time I saw you?" He asks.
"Deep shit" Taehyung answers for you.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now