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Soon the food comes. Your stomach rumbles.

During your meal, Taehyung doesn't stop looking at you. He smiles every time he notices you looking at him.

"Why are you looking at me?" You hiss.
"Because you're really pretty"

You let out a nervous chuckle. Taehyung just scoffs at you.

"Pabo" he mutters under his breath.
"Play boy" you mutter.

Both of you look at each other with a look that could kill.

"I'm not a play boy"
"You don't have to sleep with someone to be one. Don't think I haven't seen all the times you shove a girl against the lockers" you scoff.

He just gives you a scowls.

"I haven't done that recently. It's not my fault I made some mistakes" he says.
"Then who's fault is it? Anyway don't call me a pabo. If you can't take it then don't dish it out" you growl.
"Fair point"

The conversation grows awkward until you see the time and freak.

"Fuck fuck fuck" you almost yell.
"What's wrong?" Taehyung asks with wide eyes.
"The time. Shit"

It's 4:45.

"So what? You're late for what? Shopping?"
"N-no. I'm so sorry but I need to go. Like now"

You put £20 on the table.

"This should cover our food. See you later and sorry about this" you say nervously.

With that you flash him one last smile before running out of the cafè. Taehyung can't help but look at your ass as you run.

'she's fit as hell' he thinks to himself.

He looks at the money and rolls his eyes. He will pay you back later as he isn't going to let you pay for this.

He picks up the money so that it doesn't get lost and then pays at the till by card.

The waitress walks over to him.

"You're cute. Looks like things went a little sticky with your ex" she smirks.
"She's not my ex"
"Whatever. Your bitch. Anyway here's my number call me"

She winks at him as she hands him a card. It makes him roll his eyes.

He takes the paper and rips it Infront of her eyes making her pout.

"I love her. The girl that you call my bitch, I love her so don't ever fucking disrespect her. She's the most precious lady in the world and deserves nothing but the whole world"

She looks at him with her mouth open. He feels so good for admitting how he feels about you.

"I would shut your mouth if I was you. There's no way you're getting any dick to fill it" he tells her.

Instantly she snaps her mouth shut. She looks like she's about to cry.

"I'm sorry but nobody disrespects my princess. Especially not Infront of me" he growls.
"mianhamnida (sorry)" she mumbles.
"That's fine. But don't ever do something like that to her again. I bloody mean it"

She bows before walking away with her head hung down low.

Then he turns round to see you standing behind him with wide eyes.

"T-that was really sweet" you stutter.
"No problems. I would defend you any day"

You come forward and kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you. But I seriously have to go now" you say awkwardly.
"How come you came back"
"I left my bag"
"Oh right"

You bite your lip before looking back at him.

"Are you still going to see that dance act?" You ask shyly.
"Yeah. Have you changed your mind about shopping?"

You bite your lip.

"Ok.....look let me explain. I wasn't going to go shopping and never was......I am that dance act" you say shyly.

He looks at you with wide eyes.

"But every time there is a dance....That's you? I go every time" he says with his jaw dropped.
"Ok so I'm late so you can come with me if you want. I'll just say you're my body guard and all" you say.

You take his hand in yours and run with him out of the cafè. You know the journey off by heart.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now