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Taehyung wakes up before you. He can feel your breath on his chest.

He looks at your sleeping form and ends up smiling his iconic rectangle smile. He loves how cute you look.

He moves back a little so that he can have a good look at your face. The sunlight that comes through the window makes you look beautiful.

He can't help keep looking at you. You have his full attention.

Then he chuckles as you snuggle back into his body for warmth.

As you feel the movement of his chuckle, it starts waking you up.

Your eyelids slowly flutter open. Taehyung watches you in awe.

You come familiar with your surroundings. You can see Taehyung with his cute bed hair.

You end up smiling. Somehow he looks cute and hot at the same time.

"Hey" you say in a husky voice.

He chuckles at how cute you look and how tired you sound.

"Hi beautiful"

You raise an eyebrow at what he said.

"After last night and you confessing to me I thought it would be alright" he says.
"What? Actually why are you here?"

"I couldn't sleep last night so I came in and saw you crying. You were so sleepy you thought I was just a dream. You said I was too handsome and fit" he explains.

You can feel your cheeks going red. How could you be so stupid to say that?

"Ugh. Life I swear hates me" you mutter.
"I thought it was pretty cute to be fair" he comments.

You screw up your eyes in annoyance as you start remembering what you said to him. Your cheeks are going even redder.

"I am such a pabo" you say.
"But at least I enjoy that" he grins.

You smile at him and sit up. You stretch your arms and rub your eyes sleepily.

Taehyung sits up as well watching how adorable you look.

He strokes your arm with his finger tips making you turn your attention to him.

He takes this moment to cup your face in his hands. Then he leans in and kisses you.

It is a passionate kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer for more.

"Ewwe gross stop it. You know the phrase 'get a room', please don't do it here" an all to familiar voice says.

Immediately, both you and Taehyung pull away. You wipe away the bit of spit that is on your lip.

Then your eyes light up at the person by the door.

"Hyeongjae (brother)" you squeal.

You jump out of bed and run to the boy that stands smugly at the door.

You embrace him in a tight hug that makes him chuckle. He holds you just as tight.

After a long time he finally speaks whilst still hugging you.

"Can you let go now?" He asks.
"But last time I did that you left" you say muffled into his shirt.
"I'm not going anywhere this time"
"Do you promise?"

Reluctantly you let go of his form.

"Would you mind introducing me to the man in your bed?" Your brother asks raising an eyebrow.

You start going red.

"O-oh right yeah sorry. Oppa this is Kim Taehyung. He is my......chinku (friend)? Tae this is my oppa Yoongi. He is my step brother" you introduce.

Taehyung can see tears at the corner of your eyes. He looks at Yoongi but then straight back to you.

Yoongi doesn't take his eyes off of Taehyung.

"If you hurt my sister I will hurt you way worse" Yoongi spits.
"How is he going to hurt me? We are just friends" you say.

Yoongi rolls his eyes at you.

"Why would you kiss one of your friends? Just don't get hurt or I am going to physically hurt Taehyung"

You gulp nervously.

"I have no intentions of hurting your sister and I completely respect your concern" Taehyung responds.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now