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Taehyung realises you haven't been down stairs for a while so he decides to check up on you.

Yoongi finds it cute how caring Taehyung is of you.

He goes in your room after knocking twice. He sees you sitting at a dressing table writing.

You don't even notice he has come in.

He sees you wince in pain as you carry on writing. He frowns.

"Are you in pain?" He questions.

Quickly you slam your book shut and look up at him with wide eyes.

"Y-yahhh why didn't you tell me you were here?" You wine.
"What are you hiding?"

He shrugs it off and decides he will look later.

"Anyway, I asked if you were in pain" he says.
"N-no I'm fine. Just tired" you say caught off guard by his question.

He makes a tsk sound in disbelief.

"Don't lie to me" he growls.
"But I'm not"

He frowns at you in disbelief. Why are you lying to him? Even you don't know that answer.

He pulls your arm and sits you down on the bed.

"A-aish let go" you wine.

He lets go of your arms.

"Does your shoulder still hurt?" He asks firmly.

Reluctantly, you nod your head. You didn't want to tell him. Part of you doesn't want to worry him.

He sits down besides you by the arm that hurts and starts massaging it. Most of the bruising has gone luckily so it doesn't hurt too bad.

He feels around it and sees as you screw your face and eyes up in pain. Then he feels sympathy and does it more gently.

"You need to tell me when you're in pain. Don't lie to me" he tells you.
"Sorry, I didn't want to bother you"

He just rolls his eyes at this.

'how she ever be a bother to me I just don't understand' he thinks.

Once he had done massaging your shoulder, he rubs it gently and plants a kiss on your cheek making your eyes go wide in shock.

"I just thought I would kiss it better" he mutters.

It makes you giggle.

"That's sweet of you, thanks" you grin.

His mood lightens up again. When he saw how shocked you were before, it upset him a little.

Then you scramble over into your bed. You let out a deep sigh and look up at Taehyung.

"Ok this might sound weird but please can you stay with me. I haven't been in my bed for ages and i......I'm scared" you admit shyly.
"I'll stay but I'm cold so I'm coming in with you"

You giggle and nod signalling for him to come in with you. It takes him no time to get in with you.

He snuggles up with you making your head rest on his chest. You breath in his heavenly scents.

"Are you sure you're good with staying? I don't want to make things awkward" you say.
"I'm not going anywhere even if you want me to go"

It makes you smile and snuggle in closer to him.

One of his arms rests over your back and caresses it gently. Then he kisses your head as your eyes go droopy and are hard to keep open.

"Goodnight princess. I promise to protect you from anyone and against the nightmares" Taehyung swears.
"Thank you Tae Tae" you mumble sleepily.

He lets out a soft chuckle and pecks your head before stroking your hair out of your face.

Soon you're asleep just leaving Taehyung awake staring at your face in awe.

It always takes him a while to get off to sleep but this time, your beauty is distracting him!

"I love you y/n" he whispers secretively. "I finally realise my emotions now!"

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now