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The next day at school goes the same as before. Taehyung keeps touching you when he can and Mark is flirting.

The day after that however was slightly different.

You walk through the corridor in a rush. You're in your own world.

Suddenly you're shoved against a locker. It makes you wince in pain.

"Hey beautiful" Mark says excitedly.
"H-hi Mark. Please get off of me" you ask nicely.

He shakes his head.

Then he leans in quickly and kisses you. It is strong and passionate.

His tounge asks for entrance but you don't give him any. You try to pull away but he stops you.

Once he pulls away, your eyes open and you look at him with wide eyes.

"See you later babe" he says before giving you a peck on the lips.

You stand there in shock as he walks away smugly. Everyone that was watching looks at you.

It makes you blush and look away. You head in the other direction that Mark went in.

You don't want to face him. You can't face him. Not after that.

Your thumb brushes along your lower lip. No smile forms on your face however. You feel disgusted.

You go into your class and sit down next to Taehyung. Both of you seem awkward.

"Why did you kiss him?" Taehyung growls in a deep husky voice.
"What? No I didn't" you say.
"Yes you did. I saw it. How fucking could you?" He barks.

You roll your eyes.

"Why do you care?" You ask bitterly.
"I don't"
"I didn't want him to kiss me"

Taehyung scoffs.

"Yeah right" he mutters.
"I didn't want that to happen. After last time I fell in love I got hurt. I'm not wanting anyone else especially not him" you cry.

Taehyung looks at you with his mouth wide open. His jaw has dropped.

"But I have seen you date several guys" he says.
"Yeah to get over the important one. That's why it ended"

Taehyung puts a hand on your back in a comforting way but you just shove it off.

"Don't touch me" you hiss. "I don't want a playboy to do that"

He seems taken back. He pulls his arm back to his side and taps on his thigh.

Once the lesson is over, you stand up quickly like normal but this time you don't go down to the canteen.

You go up to your locker. There is an empty one besides your locker.

Taehyung follows you.

Then you see Mark the other side of the hall. You don't know what to do.

Taehyung sees him too and grabs your wrist. He pulls you into the empty locker and shuts it behind you both.

Your breathing is heavy out of stress. You don't know what is going on or what to do.

Taehyung is Infront of you. One of his legs is in between your legs. Then you notice your knee is on his crotch.

You try to move it but there isn't enough space. Taehyung holds your knee so that you don't move it or he is afraid that he will let out a moan.

He bites his lip.

Then he holds either side of your hip and angles the so that you can move your knee without any problems.

You can see through the cracks as Mark goes past. You end up holding your breath.

You see him slip a piece of paper in your locker and then he leaves.

Both you and Taehyung breath out a sigh of relief.

Taehyung goes to open the locker but then you notice that he can't.

"I think we're stuck!"

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now