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Your father gives Taehyung a top to wear as his shirt is still wet.

Dinner was fun. You hadn't realised how funny Taehyung actually is.

He is so relaxed with your parents it's as if they are his parents although he is very polite.

During dinner he puts a hand on your thigh. This time you don't swat it away. All you do is smile shyly.

He taps your leg. You turn to him and he holds his chop sticks to your face.

"Try it" he says.

You eat what he feeds you.

"Thanks" you say shyly.

You feed him some of yours and you can't help but just joke around with each other. You never expected to get along with especially like this.

Your parents look in awe at you two.

"Young love" your mother says to your father.
"He's a real gentleman"

You and Taehyung giggle with each other as if you have always got along. He isn't showing off. He is showing his true self, the part of him that you adore.

Your parents leave the room and you and Taehyung don't even notice.

Taehyung moves his thumb to your cheek with a napkin. It makes you frown.

"You had something on your face" he explains.
"Isn't that just called ugliness?" You scoff jokingly.

He shakes his head.

"You're not ugly. In the corridor, whenever anyone sees you, their heads turn to look at the most beautiful, stunning and precious girl" he says.

His words make you blush.

"What website did you find that compliment on?" You tease to try and lighten up the situation.
"The one that says 'y/n is amazing and any guy would be lucky to have her'"

It makes you giggle.

"That was so cheesy. But cute still" you joke.
"You think I am cute?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Good. You have seen my abs, I want to be known as hot"

You roll your eyes and scoff. Yup, the playboy is back.

"Hey I am saving my good looks only for you" he says with a wink.
"Yeah right"

You start playing with a ring on your finger.

"What do you mean by that? I haven't slept with anyone. Nobody had even seen me shirtless" Taehyung admits.

You look up at him surprised.

"No need to look at me like that" he says blushing.
"Sorry....it's not exactly I can say much. I have not even done that either"

He nods.

"Guess we are both weirdos"
"Cheers to that"

You stand up and grab a glass of water, then you go to the cabinet and take out some pills.

Taehyung comes behind you and starts back hugging you.

"What's that?" He asks.
"ibrufen. Sorry I just have a bad headache"
"Sorry that I woke you up"
"It's fine. Thanks for letting me sleep on you"

It makes Taehyung chuckle.

"Don't say something like that. It gets bad thoughts in my head"

You scoff.

You have some water and drink down the tablets. It makes you screw up your face.

Then your parents come back in.

"Hey you two love birds" coos your mother.

Taehyung and you both smile. Then Taehyung stops back hugging you.

He puts a hand on your shoulder.

It makes you whimper in pain.

"What's wrong?" Both your mother and Taehyung ask.
"W-what? Nothing"

You avoid their gazes and start clearing up dinner. You shove waste into the bin.

"Taehyung why don't you stay round tonight? It's late and I can't send you home at this time" your father suggests.
"Wouldn't I get in the way?"
"Alright then thank you"

They make you show him into the guest room. It's the one next to your room and the doors are connected.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now