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You get ready for school slowly. You're just so tired.

Also you don't want to have to face the one and only Kim Taehyung. He is just too annoying.

You grab your bag and walk out of the house. You have your earphones in and are completely lost in with the music.

You walk across the road and through the gate to school. You can feel your short skirt batting against your exposed legs.

You get into class and sit down. You grab some water and have a sip.

"Class we have a new seating plan so please stand at the back of the class" the teacher asks.

Most people groan in annoyance. They don't want to have a seating plan.

You go over to your friend and give her a cheerful smile.

"Hey Hannah" you say.
"Hi y/n" she cheers back.

The teacher calls out many names, even
Hannah's name but not yours.

The only two people left are you and Taehyung.


The teacher gives you both your seats. It makes you groan and Taehyung smirk.

"Anneyeonghaseo" he greets.
"Don't speak to me play boy" you hiss.

He chuckles at you mockingly.

"You're feisty. I like that" he purrs.
"Fuck off"

Whilst in class, you feel Taehyung's hand brushing up your thigh. It's on the inside and is making you uncomfortable.

You swat away his hand making him chuckle again.

"Why are you so distant babe?" He asks.
"Don't bloody call me that you uncultured-"

"Y/n and Taehyung please stop flirting and talking" the teacher barks.

You blush and look away.

"Sorry miss we will save the flirting until after school" Taehyung responds.
"No gross" you hiss.

The teacher sighs.

"Go get a room" she mutters.
"Ok then"

Taehyung grabs your wrist about to drag you up from your seat. You swat his hand away.

"Stop it" you hiss.
"Or what? Are you frightened to fall in love with me?" He asks.

You scoff and roll your eyes.

"Sorry miss that Taehyung is being immature and a brat" you say.

All the class bursts into 'ooooohhhhs' it makes you smirk and Taehyung pout.

You listen through out the rest of class. Every time Taehyung touches your leg, you hit away his hand.

Once class is dismissed, you harshly get up from your chair and go into the canteen. You grab some food and water. Then you go to find Hannah.

She is sitting with a guy called Mark and another guy called BamBam.

You walk over and sit besides Mark.

"Hey" you say merrily.
"Hey" they all chorus.

Mark has a good look at your face. You can feel his eyes looking at every inch.

"Wow.... Hannah said you were beautiful but I didn't expect such a stunner. Are you a model or something?" Mark says.
"Work it girl" BamBam cheers.

You giggle at this and have a casual conversation with the boys and Hannah.

You have noticed that Mark has been flirting loads with you. It doesn't make you feel happy though.

It makes you feel awkward at how close and touchy he is being. It's not a nice feeling.

Still though, you put up with it. He is just being extra friendly....right?

After lunch, and the rest of your lessons that you have sat next to Mark in, you rush home happily.

You quickly get changed into your pyjamas and then you sit on the sofa. Your parents aren't home yet.

You binge watch several series. You have some popcorn even though you feel guilty for eating so much. Normally you can't eat that much.

Then you end up falling asleep. You're in a really deep sleep that you forget about doing any of your jobs.

By the time your parents get home, they see your sleeping body sound asleep.

Your father picks you up and carries you upstairs into your room.

Your mother helps him tuck you in safely.

During the night however, you climb out of bed and go back down onto the sofa.

This is a pretty normal thing for you to do. Get out of bed and go sleep on the sofa.

Something about your bed you really hate. It's not a happy place for you unlike it is for most people. Strange!

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now