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After checking the temperature, you get into the shower.

You wash with his things and love the smells. Everything you enjoy.

When you get out, you cover yourself with the towel.

Taehyung looks at you and grins. He likes the water that drops into your shoulders and how your hair hangs down.

He walks over making you blush.

"U-umm do you have anything I could umm wear?" You ask shyly.
"Yeah sure"

He goes over to his wardrobe and grabs a top. It's a checkered button up shirt.

He hands it to you.

"Thank you" you say.
"Any time"

You go into the bathroom and a few minutes later you come back out.

Your hair is dry now. Taehyung looks at your exposed legs and your slightly revealed cleavage.

He likes how lowly you have buttoned it. It makes his mouth water and his eyes wander.

"I need to get back to eomma and Yoongi" you say.
"Ok I'll give you a lift back if you want"
"Thank you"

You walk with him down the stairs.

"Sorry. I know we agreed to hand out today and all but eomma will be pissed and she text me telling me to get my ass home"
"It's fine. We can make up for missed time later"

He winks at you.

"Ni en suenos" you mumble.
"What does that mean?"
"In your dreams in Spanish. Sorry I often speak in that language"
"It's fine. I find that pretty hot to be fair"

It makes you giggle.

"Do you want to walk to your place? It's a nice day and would be a shame not to"
"Yeah", you agree "that sounds nice. Really nice"

He clasps your hand and locks your fingers together making you smile.

"Do you have any routes that are pretty again?" Taehyung asks.
"Umm.....no? Unless we go past the school way as there is a lake area there. Then we can loop back following this other blossom trail" you explain.
"Sounds perfect!"

It makes you grin. Anybody you want to take that way always gets annoyed that it's not a quick way.

Taehyung just wants to stay with you for as long as he can.

"I might see if I can come over later or something" you say to him.
"That's cool. Although I do have to warn you that my parents will be home"
"Ok. It would be nice to meet them"

He looks at you in surprise.

"I thought most people don't want to meet others parents" he says.
"What's the harm? They are just human and I think it would be fun"

He smiles to himself. He likes meeting others parents so he likes that you feel the same.

"Is your eomma and dangye abeoji (step father) going to be home?" He asks.
"Can I meet them?" He asks.
"Ok" you chuckle.

He smiles at you. Your laughter brings music to his ears. It makes him feel really happy.

He lifts up your joined hands and kisses yours. It makes you blush and Taehyung chuckle. He loves seeing you flustered.

"W-waeyo?" You stutter.
"I just wanted to"

He kisses both of your cheeks and then the tip of your nose making you giggle and blush.

You get to the blossom orchard and look at the trees. Suddenly Taehyung takes his hand out of yours making you pout and turn to him.

He has his phone out.

"We need to take a selfie" he says.
"Ok" you giggle.

He takes a photo with you in this place.

"That's now my favourite photo" he says triumphantly.
"Yeah I really like it. This place feels like it's just for you and me as I haven't ever seen anybody here before"
"This is our special place"
"I'm glad I shared it with you"

He looks down at you. Both of you stand facing each other. You look up at him and smile.

He moves a stray hair out of your face and keeps his hand on your cheek.

Then he leans down and locks his lips with yours. It's a gentle kiss that leaves you swooning afterwards.

You show Taehyung around the lake. Then you go through the other blossom orchard.

Finally you make it home!

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now