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Matthew goes to pick you up but Mark comes down the alleyway and punches him round the face.

"What are you doing?" Matthew asks clutching his cheek.
"What I should of done a long time ago"
"Remember who owns you"
"Not anymore"

Mark looks to your whining body on the floor.

"I'm sorry but now you need to get away" he demands you.
"Come with me" you say breathlessly.
"I need to save you"

Matthew strikes back making Mark go back to fighting.

You get back to your feet in pain. You need to go just you don't know where to.

You rush away leaving Mark and Matthew to fight.

"I love you y/n" Mark says as you leave.
"And so did I"
"Is that why you cheated? I had to hurt her because of you"
"And now I'll hurt you"

With that Matthew grabs the knife off of the floor and stabs it into Mark's heart.

He grins as he feels the knife tearing apart the flesh making blood poor out.

"Go to hell" Mark spits.

Then he dies right in Matthews arms. He just got murdered trying to save you.

'good luck fighting him y/n. I'm sorry I couldn't do more but I watch over you in heaven lovingly' mark says in his head as he dies and starts his journey in his new world.

As you run, tears run even quicker out of your eyes. You heard him scream. You know he's dead.

It scares you what your ex is capable of.

You take some more turns down some more alleyways and into the city. You don't know where you are.

You end up walking around dazed by the bright lights. You don't even know where you're trying to go any more.

When you see the little take out shop on the corner of the street and the fresh ramen they sell, you decide there is your best shot.

You pay for the food and leave. You're eyed weirdly. No shock.

If a girl was in tears, blood partly coating her, wouldn't you be confused?

Anyway, you sit alone on a wall eating a drinking down the sauce. Food hasn't ever felt better.

"Hey" a voice says.

It's a nice voice. A voice out really want to hear right now.

"Hey Namjoon" you say.
"What happened to you?"
"I....umm....long story"

He nods.

"You need to go to hospital"
"No thanks"
"I can't just leave you here"
"Then can you take me somewhere or direct me" you beg.
"Where do you need to go?"
"I need to go to Taehyung's house. I need him"
"Where have you walked from?"
"My house"

He shakes his head.

"I'll drive you being as I can't let you walk 5 maybe even 6 miles"
"Is that how far I went?"

You smile at him half heartedly. He smiles genuinely.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" He asks.

Hesitantly you tell him what happened without detail. You don't say what happened with your eomma though.

You tell him about the knife and what that did. He just listens.

"Mark died because of me. Fucking hell. This is all my fault" you cry.

You see the wall that's near and you punch it as hard as you can. It makes your fist bleed badly.

"Ok that's enough of that" Namjoon says pulling your arm so that you won't punch it again.
"I'm sorry I'm just so fucking angry"

He pulls you close for a hug.

"Tell me how you feel" he demands.
"Who at?"
"Myself, Matthew even Mark and eomma"
"Why at yourself"
"Because if I had just done what Matthew wanted, then Mark wouldn't have to die"
"Matthew was going to rape you. Trust me, you did the right thing"

With that you both go silent for a while.

He opens the door for you to his car and you squeak out a quick thank you.

For a while it's silent. Way too silent. But then you break it.

"You're a very easy person to talk to" you say in surprise.
"Thank you. Although I do have some advice"
"Talk to a counciler or Taehyung. Don't keep all your emotions to yourself"
"Is it because I punched the wall?"
"Not completely. You just need some support right now"

You nod. Maybe he is right.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now