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When you next wake up, Yoongi is already home. Taehyung refuses to leave you.

He sits down on a chair besides the sofa holding your hand and caressing his thumb along your knuckles soothingly.

"Shouldn't we put her in a bed?" Taehyung asks.
"No. She normally sleeps on the sofa rather than the bed" Yoongi explains.
"That's kind of weird"
"But she has done it since her dad died"

Taehyung thinks about this for a while. Obviously he knows you guys are only half siblings but he doesn't know the whole situation.

"Doesn't she feel better now?" Taehyung asks.
"Not really. She doesn't like my father much. Feels like her eomma replaced her father by mine. Then she cut herself off from all emotions. Several times she was in hospital for attempted suicide. Even was in a coma for nearly 2 weeks. They didn't think she would survive. Told us to turn off the machine but we never did"

Yoongi pauses for breath before carrying on.

"She was always happy before then but even when she was with her boyfriend Matthew Kim, she wanted to die. He didn't do anything to stop her. That bastard. She almost died several times"

Taehyung's eyes go wide. He thought this was a problem but not this bad.

"What happened after that?" Taehyung asks.
"She took antidepressants and we got her through it. The storm. I just don't think she has completely recovered so I like that she has you. Obviously you're someone special to her"

Taehyung starts blushing.

"The last time she came into school was when she was with Matthew. They were the 'hit' couple. The goals. Cute and hot together. Too good to be true"

Taehyung feels jealous. He doesn't know why but the thought of another guy touching you or leaving marks on your skin where he has annoys him.

"She didn't want to sleep with him as she was too young so he got bored. Cheated on her all the time but she just put up with it. At one point when her mental health got really bad, he brought a girl home. He slept with her in her room. That's why she ran away and ended up here"

Yoongi finishes story time leaving Taehyung shocked.

"But her parents....your parents?" Taehyung asks.
"We came with her. Wanted her to be happy. If it means she won't try to kill herself again, we would do anything for her"

Taehyung hadn't even realised a tear had escaped his eye. Yoongi notices however.

"We cried lots more than that when she was going through that. But it's cute how you care for her. Please treat her well" Yoongi begs.
"Always. But would you be fine if I told her.....my-my feelings" Taehyung stutters nervously.

Yoongi smirks.

"That you love her?" He asks raising an eyebrow.
"I-I don't know about love.....but....something? Y-yeah?"
"Sure. I think you should"

Taehyung grins now.

"I'm just so sorry she had to go through all that. I'm here for her now. I don't want her to ever suffer again" Taehyung says.
"I trust you"

Taehyung's eyes light up. He trusts him.

"But you better start calling me hyung now as I'm older than you" Yoongi threatens jokingly.
"Alright hyung"

Then they see your eyelids start to flutter open. Taehyung touches your cooling head.

"T-tae Tae?" You stutter sleepily.
"Yeah I'm here"

Yoongi goes into the kitchen and comes out with a sandwich. Then they help you sit up.

You groan in pain. All your body aches and feels like led.

Taehyung helps you eat and even feeds you. It surprises you but you can't say you don't like it.

Then they get you orange juice on your request.

"Sorry. When ever I get ill, orange juice makes me better" you explain.
"Anything for you" Taehyung says.

After that, you stand up and go to your room. Then you have a shower and wash up.

You get changed into a baggy shirt and joggers.

Your shoulder hurts bad now though.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt