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Taehyung comes rushing out after you. He saw the pain in your eyes.

He sees you rushing over to a really tall guy who looks well built.

He hands you a mask to cover your face and a bomber jacket.

In Taehyung's eyes, you look amazing. Then he sees you look round for him. You signal for him to come over.

At first the body guard looks reluctant to let him pass but you whisper something to him that makes him nod. Taehyung can now pass.

You can see the stage and all the fans that are in the crowd. You're 15 minutes late.

He sees you rush on stage and the roar of the crowd as you come on.

Nobody besides Taehyung knows who you are. All they know is you're an internet sensation.

Taehyung watches you do a back flip off of a wall.

You're dancing against domestic abuse and pain/suffering.

A man grabs your arm dragging you back. Then you side flip out of the situation.

Dramatic music plays in the background.

You start climbing up a ladder to the top of the wall. Someone's chasing you.

You make it to the top of the wall. They see you almost fall and stumble back in fear. The guy is getting closer.

Then they see you looking round for options. You have none. All you can do is jump.

You dance on the top as if you're looking for options. You lift your leg up by your head as you spin round.

You do a back flip off of the wall. The man is getting onto the top.

Then you run and jump!

As you fall, not a pin drop can be heard. It's so silent.

Then you hit the mat. The man stands up top looking down at you. There is a smirk on his face.

Then the music cuts out.

A few seconds pass before you get up and all the other dancers come back onto stage.

Everyone starts clapping.

A man speaks for you.

"This is to fight against abuse and violence. Don't you think enough people have suffered. Some even feel like they are being chased to kill themselves. There is always an option. You can fight! Stand up. Stand up for your rights!" He says strongly.

Everyone claps.

You wave to people before leaving.

You go over to a security guy behind the stage. You talk to him for a while before going off to Taehyung.

"Hey Tae Tae" you say cheerily.
"That was amazing. I'm so proud"

He rushes over to you and embraces you in a tight hug. He hugs you for ages.

"Ok Tae Tae you can let go now" you say jokingly.
"You scared me though. You jumped. I could of lost you"
"But I was acting. You wouldn't ever loose me"

He lets out a sigh of relief.

Then you feel a tap on your shoulder. There is one of the actors there. He points to the back.

"Tae Tae I'll see you in a minute. I just need to talk to him for a moment"

You walk over to the other guy. He shows you into another room.

"H-MARK?" You yell as he takes off the mask.
"Hey y/n"

You take off your mask. He annoys you.

"You are mine. I bet you missed me" he says. "Bunking school 2 days in a row?"
"I was ill"
"And now you're not. If you're ill call me next time"
"I would rather die"

He grabs your throat in his hands and squeezes it tightly. It makes you whimper.

"Remember I own you. I have some photos you wouldn't want leaked"
"Like what?"

He hands you a printed photo.

You're on the photo. You are in your underwear getting changed. It makes you feel body conscious.

"There is more of where that came from. And more of you and your 'Tae Tae'" he scoffs mockingly.

Part of you feels numb.

"Go to hell" you spit.

When he sees how red your face is, he lets go of your neck making you fall to your knees in pain.

You start coughing.

"Remember that next time you try to hurt my girlfriend Selgi"

With that he leaves the room. You're still on the floor on your hands and knees crying.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now