Chapter 1.

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**Like im made of glaaaass, like im made of papperr, like a skyscr-**

I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. I slowly rolled out of my bed, groaning. I walked into my bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I sighed, and walked out into my room again. I rummaged through my closet, and pulled out a plain purple T-shirt and black yoga pants. I pulled some socks over my feet and went downstairs. My mom was standing beside the stove, cooking up some scrambled eggs. "Morning honey." she smiled sweetly at me. "mmhm." I nodded at her. "Ready for school today?" She slid some eggs onto the plate in front of me. "mmhm." I said again. Her eyes shifted towards the microwave clock. "oh shoot! im gonna be late for work.." She scrambled around the room, grabbing her keys, wallet, and phone, then shoving them in her purse. "Have a good day at school!" she called out the door as she left. I slid the rest of my eggs down the sink and trudged back up stairs.

My sister was blaring Taylor Swift and Katy Perry in her room. I knocked on her door and she pulled it open. she sighed. "What do you want Tess?" she stared at me blankly. "For you to turn your annoying music... DOWN." I smiled innocently at her, and walked back to my room. She slammed her door behind me, and then I heard the music grow louder. I rolled my eyes and shut my door behind me. I looked at the time on my phone. My eyes widened. Shit. I quickly brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I put on some quick mascara, grabbed my phone and bag, and bolted down the stairs.

My sister was already about to close the front door. I raced outside before she did though. She hopped into her pink car. "Can I get a ride?" I called after her. "Ugh. No. im already late sorry!" She sped off. "ALLY?!" I called after her but she was already long gone. argh. I started to walk to school, dreading what would happen when I get there.

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