"What'd you do?" I said walking up to Colby. "Hm?" He said looking at me. "Josh!" He tapped his foot.

"I didn't want him to touch you like that again or, anyone else." I looked down at his hand. His knuckles were bruised.

"Okay, but you're sure you won't get into any trouble?" He shook his head. "Got it all covered, Jackie" He sneaked his arm around my shoulders and walked me through the hallway.

I did give him permission yesterday, so I couldn't be mad.

The rest of the week was very stressful, waking up early, studying with Colby, taking 2 hour long test, and repeat. I meant with Valerie for another ballet lesson and she told me I was doing 'tremendous'.

But before I knew it, it was Friday and every senior was getting ready to go on stage, and get their diploma.

"My baby's all grown up." My Mom said helping me put on my gown. I laughed and smiled. I was nervous, but I didn't let that overcome me. "It was just like yesterday you started middle school." My dad added.

"Don't remind me." I said and we all laughed.

My Mom and Dad drove me to school. They sat in the bleachers and I went to go look for Colby and Tess. I found Tess with her girlfriend.

"Tess!" I said with excitement.

"We're graduating high school, can you believe it?" She said jumping up and down.

"You guys look beautiful." I said looking between the two.

"You too!" Jess said and smiled. I felt someone come up behind me, I turned around to see Colby in the gown. "Hey" I said and hugged him, he hugged me back chuckling.

"Lets go find our seats." Tess said and we followed her through the crowd.

Everyone found their seats and the speeches begun. A bunch of people came up to talk about how great of a year it was and how their so honored to see us grow up to become adults.

Then they started called names, I got nervous, my palms started sweating. I wish I had Tess or Colby here, they would know how to calm me down. But we got separated by last names and I was in V's while Colby was in B's and Tess in W's.

There was many people walking up the stage, shaking hands with the principal, assistant principal and more, and getting handed their diploma.

"Colby Brock" The announcement spoke.

He walked up on stage shaking hands with everyone and looked over, making eye contact with me. I gave him a thumbs up and he gave one back, you could tell he was so happy. The announcer went on and on with peoples names.

I played with my hands as I stood in line, I feel like this has been going on for years. We were in V's now, getting closer to me.

I looked at the seats trying to see Colby. I found him waving at me. I smiled and waved back, making me instantly feel better about the situation.

"Jackie Valio"

I shakily walked up the stairs. I can't believe this was happening.

I shook hands with the principal. She told me she was so proud of me. I smiled and continued shaking hands. They handed my diploma and I walked off stage. I sat back down and stared at it, smiling. I looked back at Tess, she was smiling at me, mouthing 'I'm so proud of you' at me.

I turned back around to see Colby. He was looking at the stage so he couldn't see me.

After 2 hours or more of going through names everyone was sitting in their seats with their diplomas.

"Congratulations everyone of graduating Killard High School, class of 2019" Everyone started cheering, throwing their hats off their heads into the air. I joined them, laughing. The hats all feel back onto the floor and I went to go find Colby since everyone started to stand and look for their parents.

We collided with each other, our smiles as wide as ever.

"I'm so proud of us."

We shared a long kiss of celebration. Tess and Jess came running towards us in a group hug.

After we pulled away I found my parents taking a picture of us. I went over to hug them. "We're so proud of you." My Dad said smiling.

The drive home was loud, my Dad blasted music with all of us singing, laughing, smiling.

"Dad could you turn the music down?" I yelled through the music. He turned it down enough for me to start understand what I was thinking. 

"What's up?" He asked.

I started playing with my hands, a new habit I have when I get nervous.

"Since I'm turning 18 tomorrow.. could me, Tess, and Colby go to Las Vegas?" They my parents looked at each other.

"Las Vegas? Why Las Vegas?" My Mom asked.

"Well Tess wanted to take me there for my birthday." I said putting my hair behind my ear. "But you know how dangerous it is over there?" She asked I nodded. "Yeah"

My mom sat back in her seat, thinking about it for a bit. "Please..?" I asked in a squeaky voice.

"Okay, but you need to be very careful and constantly call me? You got it?" A smile appeared on my face. "Thank you!" My dad turned back up the music and I started dancing along.

[DISCONTINUED] color me bright// Colby Brock Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat