I - VIII:「Eyes That Lie」

Start from the beginning

So as Draco swiped the painting sideways to reveal the darkened staircase that led to the main hallways of the school, he gave out a small huff of uncertainty before stepping out of the Slytherin common room and gently swiped the painting back to how it was positioned before.

Since the common room is in the dungeons and underneath the Black Lake, the boy has to take a long detour towards the trophy room in order to encounter Harry since there's a chance that he might encounter one or two professors or even head students and prefects on patrol.

Draco slightly raised his wand and conjured a spell to brighten up his surroundings since he can barely see anything.

He had to be careful as to not cause any disruption for the paintings though as they're known to be quite loud when they're awoken by something in the middle of the night.

As the platinum blonde haired boy's surroundings have been lit up, he eventually began to climb up the stairs and walking his way towards the trophy room.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

"I'm telling you; this is a bad idea!" Hermione whisper yelled at the two boy Gryffindors in front of her who were eager to go to the place where Draco had told them to go.

However, the two didn't pay attention to the brown haired girl and instead, they were on the look out for any professors or any students who were on patrol tonight since they can't get caught.

"Y-Yeah, I think we should... go back?" Neville, who also miraculously tagged along for unknown reasons, stammered and kept close to his house mates in case anything bad happens to him.

He saw Harry and Ron trying to sneak out of the Gryffindor common room at midnight with Hermione in front of the entrance to try and stop the two from going.

Neville just intervened and sided with Hermione, hoping that Harry and Ron will change their mind and just move on to the next day but of course, the determined raven haired boy refused and ignored the pleads of his fellow house mates to which Ron also did and followed Harry towards the trophy room.

Ron, who was starting to get fed up of Hermione and Neville's warnings and, overall, their presence, turned to look at them with an annoyed look visible on his features.

"So why did you two even bother to come with us? If you were so hung up on the rules and didn't want to get yourself in trouble, you could've just stayed and let us do our own thing." He frowned while walking silently and slowly behind Harry, who was starting to get annoyed of how the three Gryffindors are starting to argue with one another in the middle of the night.

"I know that you two won't listen to me either way so the least I can do is get you two out of trouble and pretend that none of this ever happened again." Hermione stated with an eye roll, almost ignoring Neville's attempt to change Harry's mind from going to the trophy room.

She looked behind her to see if anyone is coming but she turned to look at the two Gryffindors in front of her again when she confirmed that no one was coming from behind her. 

"Gee, thanks." Ron mumbled underneath his breath and silently scoffed at his fellow Gryffindor's words.

He immediately thought that Hermione doesn't trust the two of them and that they would immediately get in trouble without her.

Though Ron doesn't know that they can indeed get in trouble without someone who could control them or, in other words, get them back to their senses in order to avoid trouble.

And who can do this better other than Hermione?

"Is that the trophy room?" Harry stopped in his tracks and slightly raised his wand to get a better look at the door that led to the room where the duel would take place.

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