Chapter 11

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"You have wings, but can you actually fly?" Leena asked Celia as they were sitting in a shaded spot away from everyone else and discussed things while the sun was setting.
"I can, better than my mother." Celia answered Leena's question.
"Can you show me?" Leena asked again as Celia stretched her wings.
"I can't because I need more energy to do so." Celia told Leena as she was starting to feel a bit weak. She had been running around a lot that day.
"Fair enough, I guess." Leena responded. Celia then looked over at Harley, who was sitting beside her. Harley was staring at Blossom from the other side of the clearing, his tail twitching a little.
"Do you like her or something?" Celia asked Harley as he jumped a bit upon hearing Celia's voice.
"Uh, no, I don't know what you are talking about." Harley told Celia in a serious tone as he looked back at Blossom. Rowan snickered before saying "Sounds like something someone with a crush would say."
"Yeah Harley." Leena agreed with Rowan. Harley turned back around to glare at them as Celia watched as a Lizen who looked oddly like her mother approached them and sat down with them. She had blue wings, long fangs, split ear tips, jagged jaw, tail fluff, blue eyes like Celia, white underbelly and tear streaks, blue stripes on her shoulders, a dark pink mane with white tips, and a lighter pink than Hannah. Celia wondered if her mother was related to this Lizen.
"I don't think I have seen you four around, definitely haven't seen you before." The winged Lizen spoke as she pointed to Leena.
"I get that a lot." Leena said.
"I am Dawn, and I am the third oldest Lizen in this tribe. I've been around since before the outlaw of feather manes and winged Lizens." The winged Lizen introduced herself before asking "And you all are?"
"I am Harley, the purple one here is Celia, the grey one is Rowan, and the human is Leena." Harley introduced everyone to Dawn. Dawn shifted her glance at Celia, who was staring back at her.
"You look like my mother, who was purple like you, but she wasn't a feather mane." Dawn told Celia as she responded "You look like my mother, except her scales are dark pink like your mane and her mane is light pink."
Dawn's eyes widened and ears perked up in surprise.
"No, that's not possible. The humans stormed the place and I left that egg behind by mistake. That child can't be still alive." Dawn said as she put her hand over her forehead.
"Is your daughter named 'Hannah'?" Harley asked Dawn as her tail started swaying from side to side on the ground.
"I don't know, I wasn't there when it hatched, if it hatched." Dawn replied to Harley as she put her head down a bit.
"Well, you look almost exactly like mother, but older and lighter pink." Rowan said.
"'Mother'?" Dawn repeated as she lifted her head back up and put her hand down, staring at Rowan.
"Yeah, our mother looks a lot like you, she really does, but she can barely fly with her pathetic wings." Rowan continued.
"Poor thing was never taught how to fly most likely." Dawn responded as she rested her head down on her hand.
"You could be these two's grandmother." Leena told Dawn.
"I could, it is absolutely possible." Dawn replied to Leena as Celia smiled. She wandered over to Dawn and gave her a welcoming hug. Dawn then hugged her back as Celia tried to let go. Dawn then let her go as Celia sat down in front of her with Rowan crawling up to beside Celia.
"So, tell me what my possible long lost daughter is like." Dawn told Celia and Rowan.
"She's mates with the handsome Roscuroe." Harley said before Celia and Rowan could say anything.
"Wait WHAT?" Dawn blurted.
"It's true, he's the reason why these two are feather manes." Harley continued as Celia stared at Harley with a confused look. She knew that Rowan was adopted, and Rowan did too. Roscuroe and Hannah only had one tail and wasn't green, except for Roscuroe's eye.
"Roscuroe? The one who started the second Great Lizen War is mates with my possible daughter?" Dawn asked again, shocked. The three Lizens all nodded, Leena just listened.
"Well, then you two have the blood of a true hero in your veins." Dawn said before adding "Please, tell me more about this 'Hannah' that could be my daughter."
"She has blue wings like you but can't fly." Rowan repeated what he said earlier.
"She's really nice, gives the best hugs, and doesn't want us being raised like father was." Celia told Dawn.
"She could beat Roscuroe up if she wanted to as well, I imagine she did while under the mind control." Harley added.
"It's good to hear that she's nice and strong." Dawn said before asking "Anything else?"
"While she was fighting at the battle in Edmonton, Walter did some rather questionable things with her." Harley replied to Dawn again as her expression changed from happy to angry quickly.
"What did he do to her?" Dawn asked Harley, desperate to know.
"I don't know, whenever we ask she gets super uncomfortable and changes the subject, and whenever we say his name she panics, so I imagine something pretty bad." Harley answered Dawn's question the best he could. Dawn's ears lowered as she stared down at the ground and angrily said "Walter, I hate that Lizen, I wish he died during the battle. Hopefully one day he will meet his end, perhaps by the end of my spear."
There was a few moments of silence before she lifted her head back up, put a smile on her face, perked her ears back up, and said "It's getting late, I can offer you four a place to stay in my den if you wish."
"Yes please, it would be much appreciated." Harley said.
She stood up and led them to her den, which had another resident who was a midget with wings and looked like a falcon, though he was already asleep when they arrived. Dawn let them sleep on one of the many nests. Celia, Rowan, and Leena were comfortable, but Harley was not.

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