Chapter 48

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"Cas where are we?" Dean asked getting a little frustrated.

Castiel looked around the area confused. "This is where the signal was coming from but I don't see her anywhere."

"Signal. What signal, Cas?" Sam asked from the other side.

The three boys were currently in a grassy field of Wyoming. They had to leave the car behind at the boarder of the fields due to Castiel walking towards the middle.

"It's summer she's praying for me but she is not here. She should be right here." He was starting to get worried but he didn't show it.

"That's because she is not here." They heard a voice from behind.

Quickly they got their weapons out and pointed towards the voice.

In front of them stood and angel in his suit. He had short brown hair and brown eyes he looked to be a 16 year old child. Behind him stood two other angels with their angel blades.

"Wow prying off of kids now? That's low." Dean commented while pointing his gun at him.

"What this." The angel pointed at his body. "This is just a temporary suit. You see my original was abandoned somewhere because of the little Gods child kicked me out of it and sent me flying. Seems I was to close for comfort when the gate opened."

The angel walked closer towards them which caused the brothers to cock their guns. And Castiel to drop is blade from nowhere.

The angel stopped abruptly and raised his hands.
"Now calm down Winchester's and Castiel. You don't want to harm this poor boy do you. He has a little sister that really don't want to visit a young boys funeral."

The Winchester's thought about it but didn't change.

"Well I tried."

"Sariel, please you don't have to do this. You can help us." Castiel tried to reason with the angel, or Sariel.

"Oh Castiel, the thing is I want to do this. I mean if you look at it. Someone bigger and tougher on our side, we can't lose. We'll s in control once again." Sariel cheerfully explained.

The boys were not liking that.
"Though the other girl. She can help us motivate that young god into doing whatever we want her to do."

Castiel heard enough and knew that the angel in front of him was not going to give up. He started walking towards them while gripping the blade tighter.

"Not yet, Castiel." Sariel lifted his hand and stoped Castiel from coming closer.

"What the hell." Dean blurted.

"You see I'm powerful, even more than pretty face over there. Been here a lot longer than he has, so I picked up some few tricks here and there."

He sent Castiel flying across the fields.

"Cas!" Both boys yelled.

"Don't worry. The little angel is not harmed at all. Just a little dirty." Sariel chuckled at his joke.

After calming down, he could finally finish is thought. "Now What I was saying before, we will become the most powerful things in the world with the help of the two girls."

Sariel turning around slowly towards the other two angels and whispered something to them. "Sarah, MaK Kill them please. I don't want to get my hands dirty."

The angels did not reply but shook their heads in understanding.

The angels started to sun towards the boys with shots being fired at them as they dodged.

With a flash, Castiel joined in the fight. The boys had trouble dodging each slash and the guns were not working against their competitors.

Dean punched the angel, MaK, towards Castiel. Castiel swings the blade back and towards the back of the angel. A light show was played as the body hit the ground with a thud.

This caused the other angel to get angry and lunge at Castiel, which caused her to join the girl on the ground.

Sariel panics and starts to back off when he turned he was greeted by Castiel.

"Where are they?" He threatened.

"Their in a secret room that is enchanted. It just over the hill. Please don't kill me!" He panics once again.

"Show us and then once that is done leave the boy at his house safe." Castiel demanded the frightened angel.

He shakily started walking towards the hill. The boys follow cautiously.

I've the hill there stood a warehouse and an old windmill right next to it. It was hard to pin point it out in the dark.

"Ok. I'll leave you two be. Plus I'm now an outlaw and I'm out. Good luck." Sariel rapidly spoke and zapped our of the area without another word.

"Let's kill some angels." Dean proclaimed as he pulled the angel blade from his pocket. He picked up the angel blades when they killed the other angels.

Dean walked in head of the group and cautiously approached the building. He peeked his head in to Survey the area.

Nothing. Not a single angel in sight.

He turned around to the others.
"Nothing. Not a single angel in there, but there is a room. That coward was right."

Castiel walked in with the other two warning him about the dangers.

Once he walked in, there was still nothing.
"The room is cover in sigils that prevent me from going into the room. Only a certain group can go in."

The brother walked in behind.
"Well where is it Cas? We can destroy them to help you get in." Sam asked.

Castiel waved his hands over the building and the symbols started to appear.

"Ok. Let's start breaking the seals." Dean grabbed the blade he had and started walking.

Time skip by close to the end~

They broke the last seal and the noise from the room echoed throughout the warehouse. The cry of pain made the boys quicken their actions towards the door.

When they barged through the door, they were greeted with a horrible scene.

Ok here is a new chapter.
Sorry for the wait.

Hope you like. And the end is near.

Author out~

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