Chapter 16

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"With everything that happened to us so far I'm not shocked about this one." Summer said to the upside girl.

This girl is currently trapped and knocked out, upside down tied onto a tree.

Flashback to couple minutes ago~

"Hey sweets, it seems like Cas is impatient out there waiting for you to come out and train." Dean said to the girl.

"Yeah I know, but I'm trying to find my other shoe." She said looking under the bed.

Dean looked at the girl with amusement.

She stands up. "I lost my shoe." She says sadly.

Dean just snickered a bit before going into the closet and on the bottom right there was her shoe.

"Was this what your looking for?" He showed her the shoe.

"Yes that's the one." She said happy. She walked towards him but tripped on something.
Maybe her feet or her sheet or something.

She fell onto Dean but instead of them saving there balance they both fell into the closet.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise." He slyly said towards the girl.

Her face was bright red. She tried to block her face but she hit his instead.

"I am soo sorry. I don't know what's happening to me." She frantically said.

"It's fine. Felt worse." Dean calmed.

She got up from her spot on top of Dean. She moved to the front of the bed and carefully sat down.

Once she did the bed leg on the left side of her bed broke and she stumbled down with it.

Dean got up from his spot and carefully walked towards her to help her up.

She accepted his help but he was trapped in the loop.
She got caught with the blankets and tumbled.
This time instead of falling straight down she twisted and turned with Dean with her.

It was a sight to see. It looked like a tornado consisting of A blanket trapping two people while they stumble around the room.

Summer and Sam quickly came to the room they were there to see what the ruckus was.

When they looked in they saw Dean and Olivia tied up in a blanket on the ground.

The two looked at the tied up two with disgust and confusion.

"Dean, Olivia close the door next time you two." Sam said disgusted.

"Wait Sam it's not what you think. Also can you help please." Olivia said already tired of the day.

"I don't know. I kinda like this. It's cozy." Dean flirted with Olivia.

Minutes or hours passed and they were finally free from the blanket massacre.

Olivia carefully sat on the floor in her room with everyone far but close to her.

"What is going on with you?" Summer asked her.

"I don't know. I woke up with a slight headache and then I fell out of bed. Which i haven't done since high school and two weeks or more ago." She explained.

The group looked at each other and back at the girl.

Olivia stared back at them.

Next thing you can hear is Olivia sneezing which causes the lights to flicker and pop.

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