Author's note

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I usually don't do this but it's a one time deal now. I'm beat to say an announcement to you people.

I would like to inform that this chapter will have 50 chapter. No more and no less. It will also have a sequel, possibly, that's if the story turns out the way I hope it does.

I have another story in works at the moment and now it's not Supernatural. It's actually, don't think I'm crazy for this, but it's about Queen the band. I started liking their music more than usual lately and I decided to do something about it. So I'll put a link to that below here.

Welp I believe that is al that need to be announced.

I love you all very much and have a lovely what ever time period you are at.

Author out~

PS. I actually don't know how to place the link of the other story to this one. So I think the wise thing to do is go to my profile and click the story that read:

Past to Present! Queen story.

That should work a lot better than me struggling with this thing on my phone at 12 in the morning.

That should work a lot better than me struggling with this thing on my phone at 12 in the morning

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Also relatable picture from Rami.

Ok that is all my lovelies and like I said before bye.

Author finally out~

The combined worlds (supernatural story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora