Chapter 9

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That's the first thing I could hear.

I looked out of my eyes to see that my friends, all of them were pinned onto the factory's wall outside.

(The dark bold is the demon)
What is going on?

Well you're awake.

What are you doing to them? Stop this.

Why I'm hurting your little family here. You really like all of them like a family now don't you.

Please stop this. Stop this now.

Don't worry. I'll be on my way. Little Sammy is going to send me off. Well with the help with Summer. But I get to leave something behind as a little gift.

Wait what? What do you mean?

Oh I mean I'm opening something that shouldn't be opened. Like a little gate in your mind. It has a big surprise for you.

You bitch. When you are out here and I ever see your ugly face again. Oh I'm going to end your sorry life.

Got to go. See around lovely.

And with that the conversation we had was gone and I fell to the ground.
I was in control again

I started to sit up from my spot. I could see Dean and Summer in my line of view.
"What? What happened?"

Then it hit me hard. A pain rushed from my head to my stomach. I released a frightful scream.

I could feel my body being lifted up from my spot and cared towards the back of the car.

Inside I felt Deans hand brush my hair out of my face.

It was hard to keep my eyes open with all this pain.
"Stay with me Sweetheart." Is all I heard from Dean before I passed out.

Giant time skip by cliffhanger~

I woke up from my bed in Bobby's house. I looked around to see that everything was exactly like I left it

What happened?

I rubbed my head. It was throbbing from what ever happened to me. I sat up from my spot and walked towards the mirror.

I looked normal. Flannel shit, blue jeans and hidden away under my flannel was a AC/DC shirt.

I headed towards the stairs to go to the living.
Half way down I heard everyone talking. I stopped by the door frame.

"If she doesn't get up soon. I don't know what I'll do." I heard Dean start.

"Relax Dean. She just needs time to rest. It took a lot out of her." Cas tried to calm him down. "Especially since the gate in her mind opened. It's going to take longer for her to heal."

"Relax! She's been out for three weeks. You said she would wake up any day now, last week. And stop with the gate crap. You still haven't told us what exactly is in her head."
Dean was extremely frustrated and worried about my health status at the moment.

"We know dean but you got to trust Cas. Please." I heard Summer defending Cas.

I had enough of the conversation and decided to make my presence known.
I stepped forward and cleared my throat.

Everyone looked towards my area.
Summer quickly rushed to give me a huge hug. I was little awkward about it but soon hugged her back.

"What happened guys?" I asked releasing Summer.

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