Chapter 27

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Olivia's perspective~

"Run! Come one." Olivia yelled to Benny.

"We're almost to the other side."

Olivia was running from a loud creature whose face was taken over by its mouth. This creature was called a leviathan.

They're the most deadly thing in purgatory so far. Which they are caught running from them.

"Princess look out!" Benny screamed from behind. Before she could react she was thrown back into a tree.

I woke with the feeling of sweat and my hands were shaking. I looked around to see the time and to see if anyone was up at the moment.

On the clock it was 2:35 in the morning. I groaned in annoyance.

I sat up from the bed carefully not to wake Dean in the processes. I looked at him and saw his chest breathing slowly and calmly.

I looked to my left after a long look at Dean to realize Castiel was gone and everyone else was fast asleep.

I slowly got up from the bed and walked to He bathroom. Closing the door before turning the lights on.

The lights blinding my eyes I tried to look at myself fully in the mirror.

As I looked, I saw flashes of leviathans faces looking and screaming at my face. While Benny popping in and out a bit here and there.

I felt something fall on my face which confused me. I reached up and touched the wet substance.

I looked at it and realized it was tears falling from my eyes. I was crying. That's confused me greatly.

I wipes away my tears and splashed my face with cold water. This helped ease my nerves more.

I walked out of the bathroom before turning the lights off and looked over at everyone.

I turned and walked outside to clear my head some more.

I spotted a bench by a tree that faces the moon. I strolled towards it with every steps painful for me to do.

Once I sat down I stared at the moonlight and the surrounding enjoying my moment here.

I closed my eyes for some peaceful sounds to come flooding in. What I heard instead was car passing and TV playing in rooms down the halls. I heard people snoring and air conditioning blowing. I could hear every single detail of this area.

It hurt my head to concentrate on one sound. My head began to throb. I finally heard foot steps getting closer. I looked up to Dean.

"What are you doing up?" I asked him. The sounds of everything else finally stopped and I could only hear Dean's voice and little bit of his heartbeat.

"Well my heat source was missing." He joked.

I gave him a bitch face in return. He chuckled and sat down next to me.

"No I was worried about you. I saw you leave the room without a word and I ummm had to make sure you're ok." He leaned in a bit enough to wrap his arm around me.

I leaned in towards him getting comfortable in the position I was in. "I'm fine hon. Just needed to clear my head. Purgatory can do so much for a girl you know. It's just going to be a little difficult for me to rest a bit while I still remember."

He looked at me with worry and questions through his eyes. "What was it like in purgatory?"

I looked down avoiding his eye contact and feeling him shuffle in his set. I could feel his regret in asking that question.

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