Chapter 22

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"Zachariah is in charge of the hunt?" Olivia asked again for the hundredth time today.

"Yes please stop asking me the question."

She sulked in her seat more.

"Did you say anything about us Cas." Summer asked worriedly.

"No I kept your location safe from him, but I'm certain he is suspicious on my whereabouts."

"Wait. Why do they want her to come to heaven. Don't they know if a human tried to go through the gates. They die. That's basically just an awful plan. Also who says I'll survive the gates. I'm still a little bit human." Olivia randomly brought up.

Castiel looked at her shocked to not realize the reason why they want them there.

"They want her soul. I don't know why, but it seems that's why they want her there."

"That's a great hypothesis Cas but we don't know for sure. I mean he is dick and tried to kill or hurt the Winchesters multiple times. You know what, yeah I can see it." Summer sighed in defeat.

The boys walked in to see the two girls sulking in their seat and Castiel staring at them with his confused face.

"What did we miss?" Dean asked taking a seat next to Olivia.

"Oh nothing beside Zachariah wants us basically dead or enslaved. So nothing to big." Olivia sarcastically replied. She smiled at him and later her smile fell.

"What?! Why is Zachariah in charge. The last time we saw him it wasn't good."

Olivia looked at him confused because the time line was messed up. That meant that Zachariah wasn't trying to get Dean to be Michaels vessel.
She ignored the weird tale and listened.

"I don't know but we are not letting these two leaving the bunker until further notice." Castiel leaned on the table.

"We know that." Bobby replied standing above Olivia.

"We can't just stay here for who knows how long. We will need to see the sun light as well. We will get bored here." Summer complained.

"Well it's better than dying." Bobby yelled.

Olivia stood up with her rubbing her head.

"Where are you going?" Summer asked.

"Getting something to drink. I can't get drunk but I'm sure as hell not listening to anymore of this." She walks out of the room.

Olivia's perspective~

I sat in the kitchen with hardest liquors I can find in the cabinets and placed them on the table.

There was whiskey, vodka, and a weird drink I never heard of.

Everclear. What the hell is that?

I shrugged my shoulders and added it to my collection.

"Hey, Can I join you?" Dean asked.

I patted the seat next to me for him to sit. I poured him a glass of whiskey. Which he gladly accepted.

I chugged me drink down like water, which made Dean stare amazed.

"Amazing right? I can drink this whole bottle and not get drunk. It's a real blessing."

I leaned back in my chair. Trying to keep my breathe steady.

I could hear his breathing speeding and slowing down. Multiple times.

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