Chapter 4

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Olivia's perspective

God my head, again. Why is it always the head?

I started to open my eyes to see where I was while trying to stretch in the process.

The only problem with that was I was restricted from stretching or moving.

I shoot my eyes open to see I was in a strange motel room, tied up in a chair.

In front of me stood the two boys we were trying to avoid, but they haven't noticed I was up yet.

So that allowed me to look around and find Summer.

She was passed out in the chair next to me with her face down.

Good, she's somewhat ok.

I looked around some more.

The floors were dark brown wood and the walls were a cream color. There were two twin beds with tools and clothes on top.

On the bottom of our chairs was a devil's trap.

They think we're demons. Great.

Before I could see anything else I was splashed with water.

I gasped on how cold it was and how sudden it came.

"What the hell," I screamed causing summer to start stirring.

Then it hit me. They threw holy water at me to make sure I'm not a demon. Of course, it didn't work on me.

They did the same to Summer and again nothing. She was not happy waking up suddenly with a cold splash to the face.

"Shit! That's cold."

They looked at us and we looked at them. Both with serious bitch faces. I was looking at Dean and Summer was looking at Sam.

"Look if we stare at each to long. We may start kissing" I spat out of nervousness.

The boys looked at me and huffed in response before turning around to their table. Paper was scattered everywhere on it.

"Hey, can you guys untie us? My hands are really hurting right now and I got a really bad leg here." Summer demanded.

Dean sighed and when to untie us.

I helped summer to the bed once we were free from the bonds.

"You ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Just sore a little jumping out a window and getting hit in the face just tops it all off." She answered quietly only to me.

"Tell me about it."

I looked over to the boys who were staring at us.

"What? take a picture it lasts longer." I said to them to get them off our backs.

"Who the hell are you two and why were you in my car?" Dean asked demanded. He pointed his finger at us with his arms crossed. He looked pissed.

I rolled my eyes. "Names Jane Flitch and this is my sister. We were in your car because like I said we were searching for our brother's car and it looked like yours. It was dark and apparently it wasn't." I lied. Trying to sound irritated as well.

I could tell Dean wasn't fully buying the story but Sam fell right into it.

"Flitch's. We were actually trying to find you two. You guys were He last two people to see Dr. Anderson alive. Do you mind if we ask you two some questions?" Sam asked us.

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