Chapter 41: Endless Leaves

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I know you won't believe me, but this isn't the end. We still need the epilogue. I was going to put them together, but I am currently writing this in the airport. I am going to Greece!!! If you guys follow me on social media, there will be plenty of pictures! :) Please stay tuned, because I have one more thing in this story. I love you all completely and I am so happy that you guys have been with me this far. This story would be nothing with y'all. Please Enjoy. 

Chapter 41: Endless Leaves


Seeing the pride in Aiden's face when he got the call was a moment I should have photographed. Not everyone gets a call from their high school to be honored in their hall of fame. He was surprised and immediately asked me and the kids to be there. I had to beg Demetri to let me off last minute, but he let it slide this one time. There was a big meeting the next week that I had to prepare for if I wanted to keep proving myself. Editing four books and being apart of two tours doesn't make me cool just yet.

I open my eyes to an empty bed. Rolling over, a piece of paper stuck to the back of my shirt. In Aiden's handwriting, he left a very sweet note.

Went to pick up a gift for the family! Will be back soon, get everyone dress so we can go to breakfast before the assembly 😊 love you xoxo your husband

I grumbled, clearing my vision. My dear husband was something else. I looked over to check on the twins. The little monitor showed my angels cuddled together in Adeline's bed. I didn't lay them down like that, but I needed to watch Nicholas before he hurt himself. His skills of crawling in Adeline's bed were going to get him in trouble, even if I found it cute at times. I had no idea when Aiden left, but getting all three of the kids ready was going to take some time.

The soft sound of a nursery rhyme had the twins asleep with their mouths open. They looked so peaceful that I hated to wake them up. The attitudes they got were relentless. I turned off the music box. "Time to get up my babies." I tickle Adeline's toes. She wiggles away, scrunching up her body. "Come on my loves." I kiss Nicholas's cheeks, making sure to be loud. "My beautiful boy, open those pretty eyes." Nicholas's eyes peaked open. He looked at me and laid back down. "Wow," I picked Nicholas up and stretched out his arms. "Up." He cried, wrapping his arms around me. "Come on honey." I would have thought the sounds of her brother whining would wake her up, but Adeline was still fast asleep. I did the same to her, kissing her face and picking up her arms. She opened her eyes and stretched. 

"There's my girl." Adeline clutched to my body without the whining. "You guys are getting too heavy for this." She lays her head on my shoulder. "We need to get dressed and ready before Daddy gets back." I try to set them down, but they latch onto my hips. "Come on now guys." Leaning down, I try again to shake them off. "Down. Now." In one more try, they stand up on their own. 

"Thank you. Let's go wake up Hope."

Waking up Hope didn't take much. I did the same to her and she giggled awake. She sat up in her bed and smiled with her sleepy face. Her blonde curls were longer and went past her shoulders. When combed down it was beautiful. I thought she looked adorable with bed head, but she'd probably freak at how she looked. Her interests turned from dance to fashion in the next year. Her tutus still hung in her room, but she added some items from dresses to jean jackets. I started letting her have a little say in what she wanted to wear out. On the weekends she got all control. Weekdays were all mine.

The twins crawled in her bed, jumping around. She let them crawl behind her pillows and play with her stuff animals. "It's Daddy's event today. What did you pick out?" Hope jumped down from the bed and ran to the closet. "I know it's only Friday, but it's a fun day because I have no school." I decided to keep Hope from school today so she could see Aiden. Hopefully, they didn't make me regret it. "Okay, so what do you have?" She pulled a pink shirt with ruffles, black pants, and sandals from the closet. "And I want to wear a black and pink bow." I nod, approving of the outfit. "How about just the pink bow with your hair in a bun." She shrugs. "Alright good. Will you help me pick out the twins' outfits?" Hope was my helper in the best way she could. If I needed help dressing the twins or bathing them, she had my back. She complained when they splashed her in the face, but their smiles and attempts at saying sorry made up for it.

Our Weird Forever (BWWM) (Trilogy to OWR)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang