Chapter 17: Perfect Nights

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Finally! After about two weeks of a bunch of stuff, I have successfully written a chapter and posted it! :) Haha, I can't explain how frustrated I was every time I looked at my laptop and saw that I needed to write, but couldn't think of anything. But I have completed this chapter and I'm happy about it. It's not edited yet, so there will be some mistakes, but I will go back and fix them.  Enjoy the Chap

Chapter 17: Perfect Nights


I walked through the halls of my old place as the sound of a crying child interrupted my sleep. "Daddy is coming Hope." I groggily said. I stop when I see Nia holding the crying child. She turns around and the sight of her and the baby confuses me. I look around the room and recognize it as Hope's room, but it's not Hope Nia was holding. The baby girl had the skin of mocha and the brown eyes that I knew so well.

"There he is, she wants you to hold her." This baby didn't look like my daughter Hope, but I knew her. Nia gave me the baby and I held her close. I knew this baby, because she was mine. Something in me told me that.

Her name was at the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't say it.

Nia sighs, breaking my stare. "She's going to be a Daddy's girl." Her soft curls wrinkled back as I touched them. They weren't blonde. Nor did she have mixed color eyes. "Where is Hope?" Raising a brow, Nia ran her hands through her hair. "Hope for what?" I looked down at the baby and saw her big brown eyes squint as she smiled. I looked at Nia and saw the tiredness in her eyes. Did I look that way too? The baby sucked on her hand, signaling she was hungry. "I'm going to go make her bottle." Nia said, leaving the room.

I stood up with the child, looking at her completely. She was wearing a yellow onesie with a flower in the middle. Her curls, brown eyes, and skin reminded me of Nia, but her little nose and the shape of head was all me. She reminded me of Hope at this age, even when she had Drew's features at first, the more she grew, the more she looked like me. However the blonde curls were all her mother.

"Where is your sister Hope?" I whispered to the baby.

Maybe she would give me sign. I shook my head, being delusional. She was three months old, she can't do anything. Her hand goes back into her mouth and on cue, Nia came back with a bottle. "Here you go." I took the bottle and fed the baby. She took it and was peaceful.

"Did you find Hope?"

Nia looked at me crazy, "Hope for what Aiden?" I shake my head, beginning to feel worried. "Not hope, like the word, but like Hope the name. Hope our daughter, my daughter." Nia leaned over my shoulder and caressed the baby's head, "This is our daughter. This is the only daughter we have." I look back down at the baby and was instantly not worried.

I should be, because my other daughter is missing.

Oh God, Hope is missing.

But when I looked at this bay in my arms, she felt like Hope. This moment felt exactly like it did three years ago. Me sitting in my daughter's room and feeding her at twelve o' clock at night.

"No she's not," I point at the baby in my arms. "I mean she is our daughter too, but we have another one. And she's three. She's blonde and has blue and green eyes. She has a birthmark on her thigh and likes to dress herself. Her favorite movie The Princess and The Frog and The Little Mermaid, she loves the color purple, and fruit like her mother Drew." I took the bottle from the baby and burped her. "Drew, Your ex? You got her pregnant?"

Looking at her, I stop, "Yes we knew that. You knew that." She didn't show the least bit recognition, just confusion. "I knew you guys were together, but I did not know you got her pregnant," Her eyes widen, "And she's three. How do you know she's yours?" I stepped back, but she stood forward, opening her arms for the baby. I give her to her, because I could feel my temperature rising.

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