Chapter 4: Family

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Did you guys miss me? I missed  you all! :) Enjoy this update :)

Chapter 4: Family

"Guess what tomorrow is baby?" I tickled Hope. She giggled, cuddling into me. "My birthday." I kiss her cheeks, waiting for Aiden to come back. "Are you excited?" She nods, stretching out in her little bed. "How old are you going to be?"

She puts up one finger at a time and wipes her eyes. "Three."

I kiss her face again, "Momma's baby is going to be three?" She nods again. "Where's daddy?" I looked to the door, shrugging. "I don't know, let's go find him." I helped Hope up and she runs to find Aiden.

I knew where he was, but that would ruin the surprise. Aiden couldn't wait any longer, and giving Hope her first bike was something I couldn't stall just for a day. We get to the kitchen and she opens the garage door. Aiden pulls the bike down from the trunk and Hope runs to it.

The sparkly pink bike had a basket in the front and matching training wheels. "Oh look what Daddy got you." I said, smiling. Aiden picked her up, kissing her face. "I couldn't help myself to get what princess Hope wanted. Isn't that right, Momma?" Aiden looked at me and smirked.

"Yes, sir, it is."

I went to them both and suggested a trip to the park. Hope immediately wanted down from Aiden's arms and asked to bring her bike. "Sure hon, let's go get ready first." Aiden grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek. "Good morning my love." I took his hand and kissed it. "Good morning."

"Put on a jacket Hope." Aiden tells her when she comes in the living room wearing a dress. She looks down at her outfit and pulls at it. "I don't want to wear a jacket, I just want to wear the dress." Aiden bends down to her height, "It's windy outside Hope, and Daddy doesn't want you to get cold. Please go put on a jacket." He asked nicely. She looked at him and pouted, but he shakes his head. "We're not doing that. Go put on a jacket or we won't go at all." Hope breaks away from him and walks back to her room.

Aiden looks up at me, sighing. "She is going to be a handful teenager." I laughed, nodding. "What about our other kids?" Aiden smirks, coming towards me. "So now you're thinking about having kids with me?" I nudge his waist, "Don't be like that," He laughs, "I'm kidding." He puts my head to his, "Come on."

Aiden wheeled Hope's new bike as we walk to the park. She walked alongside him, with her helmet, dress, and jacket on. "Can I get on it now?" She asked as we made a stop. Aiden looked nervous, "I don't know—"Aiden, let her get on the bike." I said, Hope turned to me and ushered me over here.

"Come help me Momma." I got to Hope's side, making sure her helmet was fastened safely and tight. I flicked her bell and it's noise rang through the park. There was a couple of kids playing, but we found a spot close to the trail. "Are you ready?" I asked her. She nods, putting her hands on the handle bars. I look at Aiden and see him focused on her.

He always gets like this when it was time for show her something new. He got like this when she was learning the alphabet. He got like this when she played with her educational toys, and he got like this when she goes to school. He shows her what to do and she pedals along.

Getting the hang of it, I look at Aiden to let go and have her do it on her own, but he shakes his head. So I do the same as him. We let go, and I hold onto Aiden as she pedals along. We catch up to her and  I stop her when she begins to topple over. Aiden picks her up when she starts to whine about her scratched leg. "Rule number one, don't wear a dress when riding a bike." He says to Hope, holding her close.

I laugh, shaking my head. "At least she had on the jacket Aiden." Aiden gives me a look and I pick up her bike. "You did good baby, do you want to go play now?" Hope nods and Aiden releases her. She runs to the playground as we walk back to our original spot.

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