Chapter 10: To Nia

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I apologize about the late updates, I tried to be quicker, but ideas are coming at me slow. I'm trying to come up with more before the wedding chapter comes, which I believe will be Chapter 13? Somewhere around that number. It's going to be exciting. So Don't forget to Comment :D

Chapter 10: To Nia


"You don't have to—"No I want to. Dinner was great." I heard Willow's voice behind me. And listening to her talk was like nails on a chalk board. I turned around from helping Cheyenne with the dishes and see her holding all the leftover plates in her hands. Her horrid of a mother stood on the side, watching her. All the guys were outside playing around and talking, while I helped out.

Aiden and Xander wanted to help, but if I had to be in another room with them, and Wyatt, I swear the tension would kill us all. Sitting in the dining room and watching them bagger her with questions we all knew the answers to was too much for my sanity.

Every moment after stepping off that plane was something I never expected, but I was by Aiden's side for it all. Whether he wanted me or not.

"Nia." I turn to hear my name being called. "Yes?" Whitney smiled, and handed me her wine glass. "Don't forget this," I forced a smile and sat her glass next to the sink. I turned back around, and saw her still there.

"Beverly said that there was another pie in there, if you want some I can—"No need for that. I just wanted to see what Aiden sees in you and not my daughter. You're beautiful and smart. My daughter is well, she's beautiful. Her attitude can get her in trouble sometimes...It's my fault though. I spoiled her from the moment she was born,"

I nodded, and walked around her.

"Just make sure you know who you're marrying. I remember how he was when he was younger and I—"You don't have to indulge your feelings about this to me. I know how Aiden was and how he's been. And all of that doesn't matter, because I love him no matter his past." She nods, and clasps her hands together. "Well then congratulations."

I stood there a second longer before walking away. I didn't need this. I didn't need to be patronized by any of the Johnson's.

I found my way outside and joined the roaring crowd of Aiden, Xander, Avery and Wyatt playing football. Xander throws the ball to get Wyatt to catch it but Aiden beats him to it, jumping in front of him and caught the ball.

He goes down on his side first, and no one seems to notice that he doesn't get up right away. I cut through and go to him. Wyatt holds out his hand for Aiden before I could even get there. Aiden stands up, and notices me.

"You always seem to be around when I'm down on the ground. What kind of fortune cookie shit is that?" Aiden narrows his eyes at Wyatt. He doesn't take it though, Wyatt winks at me and walks towards Xander. Avery comes our way and takes the ball from Aiden. "Are you okay?" He looks at her and nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's all go inside before it gets too dark."

Everyone comes back in and I hold onto his hand as we all follow in behind. "Are you really okay?" I asked as I slid my hand over his shoulder. He grabs my hand and pulls my back to his front. Leaning down, I feel his hot breath in my ear, "Not here." As I see everyone's eyes on us, I smile to them, but frown up at him immediately after.

As I closed the bathroom door, I jumped when I saw Wyatt standing across from me "You scared me," I held my hand to my heart. I looked up at him and saw a smirk. "Did you need to go?" I stepped to the side, but he grabbed my hand. "No I wanted to talk to you. Without the audience, of course." He nodded his head towards the kitchen.

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