Chapter 15: New Leaves

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I apologize for my disappearance. Spring Break had a girl busy with other stuff. Hope you guys had a good one :) Enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think :)

Chapter 15: New Leaves


Nia stood by Beth's car as she walked her and Adam out the door. She hugged Beth through the window and watched them drive off. I stood at the door smiling at her. "What did she tell you?" She had a smirk on her only I knew would be there if Beth Lone opened her mouth and said something inappropriate. Nia laughed, "Oh you know her, being dirty and stuff." I closed the door behind her and smiled wide. "You know what we should do?"

She turned around and put her arms around my neck. "We should go spend the night at our house." Her beautiful colored lips turned into a smile. "Okay." She nodded, moving out of my grasp and went to the room. "We should bring some food, so we can have breakfast for the first time in our home as newlyweds." I followed her to the room and looked at our room. Some of our clothes were already packed for the honeymoon. Our bed was made up and the thought of consummating anything with our love was tempting.

"I did not know she got me this." Nia held up very sexy lingerie that I would have to strangle myself to keep from touching her in that. "Who got you that?" She looked embarrassed as she put it down, "My mother." I laugh as she flickered me a gaze. "Put that in the suitcase." She looked at me before throwing the sultry garment on top of the suitcase. I smirked and grabbed my tooth brush from the bathroom.

I carried the last of stuff to the car and closed the trunk. Standing there, her white jumpsuit stood out in the dark night. She looked like a goddess and she was all mine. Her wedding ring sparkled in the light and she smiled, catching my attention. "Come on Mr. Thomas." I went to her and pulled her into quick embrace. She tried to deepen the kiss, but I pulled away. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves Mrs. Thomas, we've got all the time in the world for making out." I opened the car door like a gentleman and shut it behind her. Getting in on my side, I started up the car and said goodbye to my old place once again.

"The closet grocery store from here is ten minutes away." I look over and see her glued to the phone. "We haven't even stepped in the house." She raised her head and smiled. "You're right. Let's go in." Unlocking her own door, she gets up and grabs some stuff from the back seat. She wouldn't let me help her carry the bags so I picked her up bridal style over the threshold. She squealed, almost dropping a bag. "You should have given me a warning." I set her down and take the bags from her. "What fun is that?" She gave me a look before patting my chest and ushering me to come help. Her impatience was amusing. "Do you want to carry me over the threshold now?" She ignored my question and walked back to the car.

We move some stuff into the room with the collage of us.. Nia decided on a room full of pictures of us is kind of crazy, but the creativity and love it would represent was would show the exact reason I made it in the first place. Nia sat down on the now blown up air mattress. "What?" She laid back and giggled. "Just imagine moving all our stuff into this place. We're about to go on our honeymoon." I crawl onto the mattress next to her and face her way. "Before you say we don't have enough time, we can have our room at least finished tomorrow and half of the rooms done tomorrow. Everything else can be done after we come back." I pull her close, and she rolls on top of me. Her hands push my hair back and she kisses my forehead. I do the same to her, holding her falling curls back and kiss her head. She smiles, and with every time, I fall more in love.

God she was gorgeous.

I saw the way her eyes trailed down my face and to my lips. I smirk, turning my head. "If I kiss you now Nia, we won't make it to the store." I feel her head drop, and the feel of her lips on my jaw. "I can control myself." She whispered, kissing up slowly. She got to my lips, but they didn't touch. Her lips lingered there, teasing me in a way that wouldn't make me stop the temptation of wanting her on this air mattress. "I can't control any of my feelings when I'm around you." She looked into my eyes and I connected our lips. Instantly she kisses back, leaning back so she could sit on my lap more. She clutches onto my body, lifting my shirt up from behind. I let her control the reigns, as she trails her hands over my body. I rubbed her shoulders, pulling down her sleeves slowly.

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