Chapter 32: Celebration

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Can Y'all believe I'm going to graduate this year and go to college? :) I'm getting old. Remember when I was 14 writing, with errors and wild drama. Lol I'm still doing that. I'm just 17 now. Hahaha...Alright, Here we go! 

Chapter 32: Celebration

I gazed at my body as the elegant strapless red satin dress sparkled in the light. This was a bad idea. I should have never let Mason persuade me to trying on a dress that I knew I was going to fall in love with. Curse her good fashion sense. "This looks expensive." Beth picked up the tag. "It's not. You just look like a million bucks." She turned me around with a huge smile on her face. "I love it Nia." This was dress number three. Dress one and two didn't do me justice, compared to this one. "Come out Nia. Let's see you." Beth pulled back the curtains and ushered me out. I stumbled, holding onto the dress so I wouldn't step on it. Cheyenne, My mom, Beth and Mason all stared at me. I frown, "You are not going in to help me try on the other dress." Beth waved me off. "Whatever. Twirl around so everyone can see you." I twirled in the mirror, falling in love with the dress already. They all awed. "You look amazing," Mason said.

They were serious. I couldn't get this dress.

"When you suggested getting a dress that said I'm the wife of an NFL draft pick, I didn't know it would be like this." She stepped up to see me closer. "Put your hair up," I grabbed my hair and pulled it into a ponytail. "You look beautiful. What's the matter?" She softly asked. I sighed. "I think you look gorgeous." My mom didn't like any of the other dresses I tried on, so this was even worse. Everyone loves this dress. I'm starting to fall in love with it too. "I agree. I think that's the dress." This reminded me when I tried on wedding dresses. However this time I'm more stressed with the style and color. "Aiden is going to melt when he sees you in this." The sound of loud talking and cartoons told me he was approaching.

"Aiden is going to do what?" My loving husband looked up at me with huge eyes. "Woah." I laughed. He slowly walked up to me. "Please say this is the dress you are wearing when you're next to me at the party." I frowned, "I would love too, but I totally forgot about the color of your tie. This dress is red, not blue." I gazed at my reflection in the mirror again. He shook his head, "It's just a tie. I love red. You look good in red. It's perfect." Beth clapped. "Great. Let's eat now," I frowned at her. "I'm hungry. I did not think this was going to take this long." I held onto my growling stomach. "Alright, I'll get this dress. We can all go eat." Everyone cheered.

We gathered around the table full of loud voices and children.  I caught Aiden's gaze as he leaned back in his chair. I am full, very full, but that did not stop me from quieting down the table to get everyone's attention. I raise my glass to make a toast, "Let's all congratulate Aiden and his new journey in football," Everyone at the table joined in, clanking their drinks together. "Aiden I love you and I am so excited to see how far you go." He clicked my drink with his and kissed my cheek. "Thank you." I nodded, watching him push back his chair to stand.

"I want to thank my family for supporting me and my beautiful wife and daughter being by my side,"

He looked over at Adam, who looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Are you going to cry?" He shook his head. "No. I have something in my eye."

Aiden laughed, clapping him on the back. "I love you." Adam smiled. "I love you too man." Beth shook her head at me. "Do you guys need a room? I am sure Nia wouldn't mind letting Adam replace her spot." I shrugged, "I wouldn't. Anything for my favorite ship." Adam got up, grabbing his drink. I switched him spots, letting him sit closer to Aiden. I rubbed my stomach. I have been so full lately. I can't stuff my face in good food if I'm not hungry to begin with. "What time did we tell Aria we'll pick Hope up?" I couldn't focus either. Everything was going in one ear and out the other. Things have been going wild since Aiden's draft date got closer and closer. I was very excited for him, but nervous as hell too.

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