Chapter 29: Valentine's Day Disaster

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This chapter better be full of comments. It's Valentine's Day, who doesn't love it? ;) Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It took me forevs to write, only because I was so anxious and wanted every part to be perfect. This is only the beginning though, so I am going to try my best to continue working on the next chapters. There is so much more stuff to come! 

Chapter 29: Valentine's Day Disaster


I stand outside, waiting for a blue car to catch my eye. Maybe seven o' clock wasn't smart to meet. I can barely keep awake. A blue Honda came to a stop in front of the driveway. "That better be her or I'm going inside." It perfectly parked behind my car. She came out with her briefcase and looked surprisingly ready to go. I was still dressed in my t-shirt and pants. "You must be superwoman because you don't look the least bit tired." Mason smiles, walking past me to get inside. "You said seven. I'm not sure why, but you look like you need some coffee."

 I shrugged, "Not really a coffee drinker, but if you want some we've got it." I show her to the living room and escape to the kitchen. "Come on Keurig. Brew faster." The hot liquid sloshed on my hand. I curse under my breath, making my way back to Mason without any more spills. "I thought it would be professional to meet early." Mason laughed, pulling the drink up to her lips. "We met at noon yesterday." I laid back on the couch. "You're right. I'm tired." Mason opens her briefcase to place papers on the table.

"This is it. Once you put your name on this paper I will be representing you as your Agent. There are more legal statements on here, but at the bottom, there is a personal statement I offer all my clients."

I take the paper from her and scan it. Clicking my pen, I get ready to sign it. If I wasn't confident in her, I wouldn't have invited her over. The sound of pattering feet made me look up. Hope stood at the bottom of the stairs rubbing her eyes. "Hi, sweetheart." She walked towards me. "Hi, Daddy." I saw Mason's eyes go from me to Hope. "Well aren't you the cutest child." Hope curled into me, "Mason this is Hope, my daughter. Hope this is Mason, Daddy's agent." 

Mason shakes her head. "Daddy give me some room on the couch," Hope said as she squeezed herself behind me. "Aiden we can meet up again for you to turn theses into me. Please read both statements." She starts to get up. "No, no wait." Mason laughs, "Mr. Thomas please. I know you want this to be very urgent, but seriously. Read the statements."

She spoke with authority, something that I knew made us a good match. She was going to have to handle me and everything that comes along with. "Okay," She smiled. "I'll have them to you tomorrow." I get up to follow Mason to the door. Hope waved goodbye. Mason returned her wave and looked up. Her eyes seemed to catch something, because she stopped. "You must be Mason. I'm Nia." I turned around to see Nia. She straightened her large shirt and ran her hand over her braids, before sticking out her hand to shake Mason's. "I am. And you must be the wife." Nia shot a glance at me. "I am. I've heard good things about you. I think we'll be seeing a lot of you."

I sigh in relief. For a second I though Nia would be jealous. She's not the jealous type, but Mason is a powerful woman. She radiates it. Nia is beautiful and innovative. She's powerful in her own way. A way that I completely adore.

"I hope so," I opened the door for her. "And please make sure he really looks at those papers. I want to know and understand exactly what he's getting into. It helps when you have another opinion." She winks at Nia and waves goodbye. "Ahh, don't you love her?" I shut the door behind her. I gather our coffee cups and bring them into the kitchen. "She's hot. You didn't say she was hot." I nearly choke on the hot liquid. 

"I-I don't think I-never t-thought she was hot." 

Nia purses her lips at me. "She practically oozes authority like Michelle Obama. You can't say that isn't hot." I am stuck for words. Is she serious? "I'm glad you like her?" Nia laughs, "Maybe I should do that. I should start wearing jumpsuits and be dominate." She swiftly turns around, leaving the kitchen.

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