Chapter 11: Past

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Guys I'm sorry if this is short or it sucks! :( I tried to write more, but I didn't want to end up like last time where it took me two weeks to update. I want to update when I say I will. And that is on the weekends. There was suppose to be more to this chapter, but tell me what you think? I didn't want to run it to long either. So yeah, Enjoy :) Don't forget to Comment, Vote, and Share this story will all your friends and their frien

Chapter 11: Past

"How many people did you invite again?" I said as Beth and I sat down on her patio.

I held my hands together nervously. I didn't want my bridal shower to be lame, because I know I barely have friends. "Nia stop stressing, I have both of your events planned and fun packed." Beth looked down at a notebook, "Alright what is Aiden's annoying habit?" I shook my head at her, "What?" She sighs, picking up a drink. "Here, drink this, I promise it will loosen you up." I took the drink and gulped it. It taste like fruity soda, "What is this?" Beth took the drink back and drunk some herself, "The good stuff, now answer my question please."

"I don't know, he does this thing when we go shopping and doesn't even try to inspect the fruit that we get. He just picks it up, and I'm like Aiden, this one doesn't look good. Nor do we need those chips. Put them back. And then Hope pouts and we end up getting the chips and better fruit."

Beth laughs, writing something down. "When and where did you first met Aiden?" I raise a brow at her, "Beth you know this question." She shows me the notebook of questions and answers she'd asked me. "Your guest have never heard the legendary Naiden story, so tell me again so I can write it down. And don't forget a thing."


"I woke up that first day of my senior year and did not exactly walk in with the energy of a freshman," Everyone laughed as I smiled. Telling this story seemed so yesterday when it was really so long ago. "Beth picked me up, we arrived at school, and met her cousin Bronx at the doors. They were my only friends at the time, because I was a loner to the extreme. This was the last year of my high school education, and I've been to parties and did crazy things, but if I played never have I ever at that time, I would have had about five fingers left while everyone had one." Beth shook her head, laughing. She knew how I was that year and how I never loosened up until Aiden came.

"Oh you're going to love the other games we're going to play." She said in a teasing voice.

I laughed, finally relaxing.

"Anyway, I got to my locker and Aiden walked into the school like he owned the place. He has this arrogant vibe about him, but that face was modeled to perfection...His eyes could draw you in and his passion for life could have you falling for him before you even knew it," I saw April smiling at me. She was also a person that was there and knew how Aiden was and how our love developed from time to time. She was a great impact on me and my friendships when that year. She was my support system along with Beth and I cherished her friendship.

"Aiden said the most meaningful to corny things a guy could think of. He liked to push my buttons. He liked to make sure I was affected by his charm, even if I didn't admit it. And that, ladies, is how we got here," I clapped my hands on my thighs as everyone protested.

Beth held up her hand in halt, "Don't stop telling us, Continue with the story please." I looked at the other girls and saw their eager faces. "There's nothing else—"Fine, next question, and this is from Piper. Beth read the question, "Tell us the moment you knew Aiden was the one." I smiled, looking at her.

"It was night of our homecoming game and Aiden had just made me skip fourth hour to dance in the small gym. He had music and romantically twirled me around as we danced. The game started and I was too much in a happy daze to expect anything bad to happen. I was distracted by someone and the moment I turn towards the field, Aiden was being pummeled by two guys and slammed to the floor. He suffered a mild injure, but I panicked. I wanted to touch him, hold him, and make sure that he was okay, but none of that was my job. I wasn't immediate family, and I was being held back by his best friend Adam. I felt my world shatter. I felt like everything was in slow motion. The longer it took  me to get to him, the worse I felt. And the worse I felt the more I knew that I didn't want to lose him. He was everything to me, to the point where I would risk anything to make him happy. To keep him the happy, caring, and loving person I grew to love more than anything else,"

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