Chapter 39: Almost There

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I just want to say that I really apologize for not constantly updating. I am trying to keep up, but life is freaking crazy. College and work are very wild these days. I am also working a lot because I am going to Greece in May! Soooo I am trying my best to get these updates in and posted before the summer. If I am honest there are only like 2 chapters left in this series! Once I can crack down and start writing, it all just flows out of me. Nia and Aiden's journey is coming to an end. After 4 years of going through it with this couple, we will finally be at the end. I just want to say that I am not giving up on anyone. I will still be writing, it will just take me a mintue. If you guys will please stick with me, I promise I WILL DELIVER!!!! Don't stop your amazing support!!!! There is more in store!!! 

Enjoy such a lovely chapter of our beloved characters and tell me what you think at the end!!! :) 

Chapter 39: Almost There

I am beyond exhausted. I am tired to the bone. 

Everyone at work offers me the yummiest things. Fruit salads and macaroni fill up my office like baby shower gifts. I gladly take them both and leave the fruit for Hope. Both Sonya and Demetri are very understanding. They often come by and check up on me. I'm not on office rest though. They still work me like I was thin skinny with no babies and I appreciated that. Regardless of my desires of wanting to use my pregnancy as an excuse to get out things I needed to be active. My two babies were the size of a big asparagus, but I felt like I stuffed a watermelon in my outfits. I moved to wearing dresses, because even in the fall weather I had to be stylish. Scarves and sweaters were my best friends. The body heat I had mixed with a sweater felt too much like a comfy bed. I had to move around the office not to sleep sometimes. The bubbles felt like heaven to my aching body. Sitting in at the desk all day was starting to weigh on my body. People have started to walk on eggshells around me and I needed a break. 

"Nia." Aiden peeked inside of the room, only showing his head. "Yes." He stepped inside and breathed in deep. "What is that smell?" My eyes flickered to the candle and then to him. 

"Where did you get that?" 

"From our closet." 

He slowly sat down next to me in the tub. "Are you feeling better?" I nod, finally feeling some kind of relief. They must be asleep.  I was grateful that the twins were moving, but every kick started to feel like karate move to my back. "How long have you been in here?" I shrug, closing my eyes. "Maybe for ten minutes?" Aiden grabbed my phone, "Your mom called you ten minutes ago." He showed me my phone and was right. She called twice before I got in the tub. The nap I had before getting in was spectacular. I couldn't let anyone mess that up. "I was napping." Aiden laughed, reaching out to touch me. I move away, feeling two sharp kicks. "Stop talking. They can hear you."

All my hard work with trying to get them to calm down, Aiden comes in getting them excited. Lately every time he talked or even laughed the twins went crazy. They loved his voice more than the smooth jazz I played for them in the car. He covered his mouth. "I need a favor before you leave." He raised his eyebrows.

"You are leaving right?"

He shakes his head.

I curse the will power of my loving husband.

"Will you rinse my hair out?" I needed to stop playing around and wash my hair. That was another ruling task for me lately. Aiden scooted closer to the tub and stuck his hands in the water. "Do not drown me." He paused, battling my statement with a hard look. "I didn't drown you last week, did I?" I sighed, closing my eyes again. He took the shower head and placed the water over my head.

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