Chapter 12: Final Feelings

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Yay!!!! Another successful update for the week. I hope you guys had a good week and enjoy this chapter. My build up to the wedding is slowly dimming. One more chapter and Nia and Aiden will finally be married. I can't wait! :)

Read to the end to see the Preview of one of my upcoming books ! :D

Chapter 12: Final Feelings

"You look beautiful." My mother said. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. Her kind words warded my distracted thoughts. The sight of me in my dress again made things better. I didn't need to worry about a dream that happened days ago. I just needed to worry about my wedding. In four days I was to be married.

"Thank you Momma." I look at her through the mirror and see a tear drop down her face. "Oh Momma, don't cry. There will be enough of that this weekend," I didn't know if I'll cry, but my mother and best friend Beth were sure to start the water works. She laughs as I lift my dress to walk to her. "Don't let Beth see you cry, because you know she's a sucker for tears."

Just as I said that, Beth comes back from the bathroom with Hope. She stops and looks at me, "Wow, my best friend is beautiful." Hope let's go of her hand and comes to me, "You do look pretty Momma. Like Cinderella."

I bend down to her height and caressed her hair. "Thank you baby," I wiped my eyes. "I told your grandma that I wasn't going to cry, but now we're all crying." Our happy tears turned into laughs and that feeling of joy made everything in the back of my head seem so foolish. Dreams aren't real. It was just a fabric of my twisted imagination.

This is real.

My wedding is real.

My marriage will be real, and my family, it's all real.

My dream is not.

"Alright let's take off the dress before you stink it up." I roll my eyes as my mother directs the girl to help me out of the dress. My stunning wedding dress with lace sleeves and an open back showed off my figure and went elegantly with the colors. I fell in love with it the moment it was pulled off the rack. I sadly watched it be pulled away once again.

"I am so glad it still fits." I said, putting back on my pants.

"Why are you going to be like me and get pregnant before the wedding?" I raise a brow at her, "No I'm not. Why does everyone keep on talking about me being pregnant?" Beth shrugs, "It comes with the marriage life, but don't let others pressure you have babies. You have babies when you think you're ready." I stand up and nod, "Thank you for the advice, mother of an almost one year old." Beth put her arm around me, "You're welcome, mother of a three year old."

Beth took Hope on a playdate with Omar while I drove to see Aiden. I walked through the stadium and the sound of my boots made all the boys in the hall turn to me. They smiled, and waved. One of them stepped forward, smirking at me. "How may we help you?" I looked at him, not recognizing him. I've met some of the players at Aiden's football functions, but I didn't know this one. And he must not have known me or who I belonged to.

"I'm here to see Aiden."

He turns around towards the boys, "Thomas? He's too much for a pretty lady like you." I scoffed, really amused by this kid. "And who are you?" He turned around and the guys didn't appraise him like that thought he would. I looked over his shoulder and saw Aiden standing there with Finn and the other players behind him. "The coach's nephew." Aiden's alluring voice said. I haven't seen him all day, and boy did he look amazing. Attraction radiated off of him like smoke. The boy turned around and smiled.

"Hey guys, how was practice?"

Aiden and the team laughed. "Tiring, but worth it. I see you've met Nia, my fiancée."

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