Chapter 30: Her moment

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So this going to be short. I am so sorry because you guys know how much I hate short chapters, but this has a little something something. I planned to update this earlier, but I got caught up. However here it is now! :) Yesterday was my birthday and before that, I was dealing with stuff at school so I have been really busy, but there is still soo much to come that I don't think you guys are ready for the madness that is about to go down. ;) so just hold onto me a little more. It will be magical. I promise. Enjoy this short little chapter! 

Chapter 30: Her moment

        I sat in my little cubicle, dazed and tired. This manuscript is great. It had detail and a plot, the grammar was just awful. I felt like I was reading a book from a tween's head, but that was very wrong. I just needed a lot more time than Demetri is giving me. I spared a glance at the clock. "One more hour and that was it." The sound of a door slamming shook me from my relaxed state. Demetri walks out of his office with his face unreadable and his strides heading this way.

      Oh no. This couldn't be good.

          I brace myself for his rash voice to make it to me. "Nia." There it was. I slowly turn around in my seat. "Hi, Demetri, what can I do for you?" He looked around at my small desk. I was surrounded by three short gray walls with that separated me from the people around. Two frames filled with pictures on my desk sat beside my laptop. One of Aiden and I, the other with Hope. We took one last week, so I wanted to get it printed as soon as I could. I want everyone to look at my cute little family when they walked past. "I saw on your off day request that you need to leave at two thirty. Is your husband coming back?"

That was it? No, go get coffee? No, listen to me go on and on about a new client that he has yet to check out the manuscript for. He said it seemed good, but Sonya had final say over everything. And she wasn't going to like this one on my desk until I am finished.

"No, I um, have a doctor's appointment." He raised a brow. In concerned? Did he get laid, because he is acting very nice? "Everything okay?" I nod, not wanting to get into it. My boss didn't need to know that I am getting my birth control removed so I can finally have children with my husband. "Yup. Everything is all good in the hood." I close my eyes in embarrassment. "Okay." He laughed. Demetri actually laughed with me...

Or was it at me?

Whatever. He was being nice and I am going to take my chance. He was about to walk away, but I stopped him. "Demetri." He turned around and all eyes in the work area seemed to be on me.

Damn it, why did I have to be so loud?

"Can I talk to you about this manuscript?" I hold it in my hand. He looks at the book and then at me. "Sure, but hurry. Sonya and I are going to meet a client for lunch." There he goes...

I follow him inside his office and muster up my courage. Holding the pages to my chest, I protect the author in a weird way. It was truly a good book, it just needs some love. "What is it?" I place the pages down on his desk.

 "This better be a killer book by the way you were clutching it like that."

 I nod. 

"It is. It's really good. The characters are beautiful. The way the writer wrote the plot is spectacular. It has love, action, and sadness. It even has saucy sex scenes. The whole package."

 Demetri nodded his head with a smile on his face. "You women and your sex scenes. Sonya is reading this book and that is all she can talk about." He wasn't wrong, I did like a good scene, but that wasn't it. "That's not all though. It's...It's a really good book—"But?" I trace the binding in the pages. "But...I need more time to edit it. The grammar isn't at its best right now so I' struggling to read it fast."

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