Chapter 38: Excitement

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HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! let's just say 2018 for me was an experience. I graduated from school, started college, and finished the first semester out strong!!!! This book is almost to its end but we won't finish without a little bit more excitement!!! I hope you guys have a good year!! I'm doing some big things!!! 

Chapter 38: Excitement

I stood next to Aiden and posed. When he asked me if I wanted to go to this event, I should have said no. The flashes of cameras were blinding. Aiden leaned down to whisper in my ear, "If you don't like this we don't have to stay the whole time." I placed my hand on Aiden's chest and smiled. My lips were starting to hurt from all the smiles. I don't believe I've smiled this long for anything. Aiden smiled like it was effortless. He was made for the spotlight. Mason styled both of us tonight. Aiden was dressed in a crisp gray suit with a dark blue bow tie to match my dark blue dress. It draped the floor, practically dragging, but I had on flats underneath.

Aiden made it a big point to Mason that I had to be dressed comfortably. She made sure that I was comfortable and chic. She said we needed to spice things up for the event. People wanted to see me and my pregnant belly since Aiden slipped the news in an interview. I had no idea it would draw this much buzz. She even showed me pictures taken of me while I was at the store. I've seen photos of Aiden on the internet and all of them are good. He has beefed up football photos and I have tired off-guards. "I'm just waiting for the food. Is it going to be chicken and salad again?" He shrugged, nodding. "Probably babe. We can get something else after." Aiden paused for a photo. "Ice cream?" I suggested. He laughs, nodding. I gave the cameras a genuine smile

The glorious decorations and amount of people always sent me into a shy mode. Aiden was the outgoing one, and I became the shy mouse. Tonight, seemed to be switched. He was hesitant about the event, but I made him go. This was good for him. He loved getting his face and name out there, but recently he has been occupied. Practices were long, and he was pushing himself more and more. People couldn't get enough of him here. He was doing amazing. I have a talented husband. 

"Did you see that pass he threw to number five. It was spectacular! Smooth sailing and a clear shot for the touchdown." An older man praised Aiden talents and I nodded along.

I watched his away games on the tv as much as I could. Sometimes I missed them, but I get alerts from Richard on every score. Aiden doesn't know about his father's support for his career. He is beyond ecstatic about Aiden's playing professionally. That is all I hear in the text he sends to me. I have yet to tell Aiden that we share those moments. I don't know how he will react. To me not watching his games or his father talking. Regardless he may be upset.

The old men filtered out away from me and I found my way to the wives and girlfriends table. I gave Aiden a break, letting my spokesman duties for the night wear me out. "Hi honey." Ashley Colburn pulled the chair out next to me and sat down. "Ashley hi." The last time I saw Ashley, I was informing her that I couldn't make it to her wives and girlfriends' lunch. It was around the time of my first trimester when I vomited my guts every other day. I was in no condition to go to lunch with a bunch of chatty women. Ashley accepted my excuse and wished me to get well. "How are you?"

"Nia do you know the sex of your babies?" I shake my head touching my stomach. That question eats at us every time we get closer and closer to our gender reveal party. Adam and Beth have done amazing hiding everything from us. Since the last appointment, they have not been by. Adam refuses to spoil any information so he decided he couldn't be around us until the party was a day away. "You and Aiden look fantastic by the way." I smile, looking over her outfit. She was dressed in a dazzling red dress that suited her frame. Her dress didn't drag, stopping right at her ankles for her red heels to be seen. She looked like a model. "Thank you. You look fantastic as well." She smiled, running her hand down the dress. "You have that beautiful pregnancy glow. I remember how that felt." Her smile was nice, but something about her felt off. "You have children?" I didn't know a lot about Ashley. She was very nice to me every time I was around, but we didn't talk much. I didn't know anything beyond her relationship with Ben and her status as a popular football wife. 

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