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This party has to be perfect. Everything has to be perfect. My family and friends are in place. My outfit is fantastic. My hair looked and smelled amazing. Nothing could go wrong.

My reflection said the exact opposite.

I scream at the top of my lungs.

My twist was not tight enough. Everything about it was all wrong.

I need a bobby pin.

Bobby pin. Bobby pin. Bobby pin.

"What the hell," I shuffle through my drawer, trying to find anything that resembled a bobby pin. "Adeline must keep taking them. Ughh." Sharing hair products with that girl was starting to feel like a mistake instead of a gesture. 

"This is unbelievable. I thought Momma bought me a whole pack of them." 

I rush out of the bathroom, only to have my dress get caught on the bookshelf. 

I knew I needed to move it somewhere. 

Books start to fall as I yanked my dress off. 

"No. No No." This was about to ruin everything. I picked up the silly books I still had from middle school. Loving books ran through my veins. If I gave any of these away my mother would kill me. My big photo album dropped to the floor and practically flew open. My parents never stopped taking pictures of me. This book had photos that ranged newborn to now. The typical baby photos were taken. The shirtless, milk wasted, and chubby tummy phots filled a quarter of the book. Even the ones where my grandpa said I looked like an old man. 

He had a way with words.

A surprising knock on the door sent my butt falling to the floor.

"Are you alright?"

I looked over to see my little brother ColeI had no motivation to get up. 

"I'm fine." He came in the room, looking over my shoulder. "What are you doing?"

I flipped through the album, landing on another baby picture.  "Look at this picture of you. Baby Cole." In the picture I was about seven years old holding Cole. He had to only be a couple of days old. He had no idea how much everyone already loved him. Mom and Dad cherished the kid. Even with his curly hair and brown eyes, I liked him too. The twins had each other, and Cole never failed me. "Why are you in here and not out at the party?" I sighed, holding the book close to me. "Everything is ruined. My hair looks a mess and my friends aren't even here yet." Cole tugged on my curls, "Your hair looks like Momma's." I Iooked at my little brother and held him close. 

I appreciated his nine-year-old encouragement, but there was a clear difference between him and my other siblings. Every time I looked in the mirror, my eyes and blonde hair looked back at me. Every other day didn't seem significant, but it was something about my appearance today that felt different. Sixteen birthdays are supposed to be special and meaningful. I am grateful that my parents are planning me this great party, but something is missing. 

"Thank you, Cole. Will you do me a favor?" 

He stood up, "Tell Adeline to give me my bobby pins back." He ran off to leave me alone again.

"Omar is here." My little sister, beloved and beautiful at almost thirteen. She embodied our mother Nia with her looks that it was crazy being around them. We equaled out the men in this family and that automatically put Momma on our side. She fought for us on who decides the desserts and got between us when we argued about dishes. I usually got the short end of the stick on dishes, but a fruit salad for dessert is always my choice.

Our Weird Forever (BWWM) (Trilogy to OWR)Where stories live. Discover now