Apparently, my family left because Aunt Claudia invited them somewhere. I'm not complaining though. I wanted our house to be emptied so I can be alone with her and spend more time with her. But now, after what I did, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

She's mad at me. And I understand that. I wanted to change for her. She makes me want to do better, be better. But I was brought up like this and I was taught to show no remorse. I easily snap and loose my temper. And today wasn't a good day for her to mess with me. No wife of mine will work. Aurora won't work.

I always got what I wanted. I was the always the one to make the rules and order people around. It made me feel superior. It made me feel satisfied.

Then how come I feel regret?

Guilt was a useless emotion that I had learned to repress but seeing Aurora like this made me feel guilty. I just had to ruin it. She was finally warming up to me and now she's back to resenting me.

I try to remove my shirt but I hiss in pain. When I was shot before, I was back to work by the next day. But fuck, I've never been shot three times in important arteries. It still hurts like a bitch.

In that anger, she comes in. A frown settled on her flawless face as she marches towards me. She places a tray full of food on the glass table then walks up to me.

She flicks her hair behind her back and helps me. She's upset with me yet she's helping me. Why? I've been a dick to her all this fucking time. She deserves everything but I'm too selfish to let her go. She's mine. No man will ever lay a hand on her.

She helps me remove my shirt slowly and carefully. She brings it over my head then tosses it to the side.

She then focuses on my arm as she unwraps the gauze around it and places it aside. She wipes my wound all the while her fingers intertwined with mine as she hold my arm up. I watch her grab a new bandaid and place it on, taking another gauze from the table, wrapping it around then tying it. She cuts the excess and places the scissors down, not even sparing me a glance.

She goes over to the table and grabs the empty tray that was there from breakfast, taking it in her hands and walking towards the exit.

"Thank you." I mutter but she just keeps walking. Not even a nod or a word in my direction.

I don't think I've ever seen her this angry at me. Or angry at all. I think I've gotten used to her forgiving me that I didn't see this coming. She's so upset and it's fucking with my head. Fuck, I blame myself for not keeping my goddamn mouth shut.

I didn't even mean it when I said that stuff to her. But knowing Aurora, of course she thought I was being serious. It was a spur of the moment flare up and I regret it.

I know what she's like and I know she doesn't like attention in any way. I just snapped and I shouldn't have said that to her. She's done nothing wrong. I know that.

I don't mean to hurt her but I do. I do because I want her all to myself. I'm a fucked up man who exudes control in everything.

The house was quiet and sad. It was always just the two of us. But it was Aurora's presence that made our home what it is. Her smile made it warm. But when she was mad, it felt empty.

Huffing out, I walk over to the balcony and stare out in thought, a frown settled on my face. I'm such a dick to her, she doesn't deserve it. I know I should trust her. I know she works hard for our marriage but she's just too much for me. Too perfect and every male seems to like her. Men don't give a choice. Aurora is without a doubt the most beautiful woman there is. And my cousin, he's a fucking piece of shit that I want to kill for even thinking he could talk to her.

Staring outside, I hear the backdoor being pulled open and I look down to see Aurora stepping outside .

I watch her close the back door and step out to the backyard. Staring into the pool for a moment. I lean on the railing to see her walking over to the swing couch, taking off her shoes and sitting there. She hugs her legs tightly against her chest as the wind rocks her back and forth, the moonlight reflecting on her long hair. She looks sad and it's making me feel guilty, regretting what I did to her.

She discreetly wipes a tear from her eye and bows her head. She hesitantly starts to fumble around with her engagement ring.

Just that sight makes my chest tighten. I don't like seeing her cry. I push myself from against the railing and go back inside.

I can't lose her. And I will if I keep treating her this way. She has beared with my ruthless ways longer than anyone did. I did awful things and she forgave me straight away. I said hurtful things to her today and she brought me my dinner, helped me with my wounds. How the fuck does she do it? Stay patient with me every single time?

I let out a heavy sigh and head back into the room. After eating dinner, I lay down in bed and wait for her to join. Once she's here, I'll apologize and explain everything to her. I'll explain why I did what I did.

About half an hour later, she enters the room and goes directly into the closet. Staying there for a couple of minutes before walking back into the room. I pull the sheets down waiting for her to get in next to me but she ignores it. She dismisses me.

That's when I realize she's gathering some of her things. Like her night robe and her tooth brush.

"Where are you going?" I ask her but she doesn't reply. I'm guessing she wants to sleep in another room. She doesn't want to sleep next to me. Fuck, is she really that mad at me?

"Fuck, just sleep here with me. Please. I won't touch you." I tell her, begging. I never beg anyone but she seems to get past my ways.

But yet again, she doesn't reply. She just grabs what she needs and leaves the room again.

I've royally fucked up this time and I don't know how I'm going to make it up to her.

Hey, cuties. I had time to publish this evening since I got ahead on my exam studying. This is half a chapter by the way. Hope you enjoyed💞🙂

Sister finally snapped, lol. What did you think?

This one is dedicated to Thesevensins7. Just know I appreciate you so much😙💓

Again, thank you all endlessly for all your hilarious, witty, creative comments They literally make my day😂😂. The votes, the messages and all that stuff have been amazing and I appreciate it so much.

Lots of love❤

Published: May 29th 2019.

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